Well, I guess I have a question.
I partially bought Pro because of a screenshot in the forums I saw. It appeared simpler in Pro (based on someone’s screenshot), to add custom social icons.
I’m always caught between wanting the simplicity of something like Squarespace versus using a theme or template that is a one time purchase, whereas I dislike the idea of Squarespace due to it’s monthly subscription/yearly subscription model.
I need to take another look at Theme Pro and see what the differences are before I am certain.
On my current X theme, I just figured out the process of using a different social media, IMDB, link (in this case I’m using the Xing social link) and in my Customize > Additional CSS, I’m replacing the icon with my custom icon.
That wasn’t all that bad of a process, I just had to slow down mentally to accept the leg work of it… and I’m attempting to get the Hover feature to work but it’s not quite right.
Does Pro simplify this process? I thought I saw someone’s screenshot where all you have to do is add your icon to a “Graphic” category… But I don’t know where to find that screen/menu.
It was a screenshot with an arrow pointing to a tab/category called “Graphics”… and it sounded like all a user has to do is add their graphic and Pro handles the rest?
I’m intending to use the Photography Ethos template (using either X or Pro).
Thank you,