Hey @tristup
Thanks for testing on your end and creating that page…
As mentioned above, I had no issues with the classic image (it showed right away) but only the new elements and the quick add areas. It’s been a while since I did any web design, so it’s slipped my mind to test in another browser first. But after seeing that you had no issues, it dawned on me that it could be a browser thing. Lo and behold, I opened your test page in Safari (13.1.2) and as soon as I touched the image element inserted, it disappeared. This caused me to go over to Chrome and opened the same page, which had no issues. Even added another image element in Chrome with the logo and all is good.
So it turns out this is a bug with the builders, svg and Safari. It’s fine, as I’ll just develop/design in Chrome for the time being (as the final saved page will render fine in Safari, just not in builder). But would be nice if this could be looked into and fixed, as Safari is my preferred browser.