Sticky Header in Safari on MacOS Bug

This issue has been reported a few times now, is there any update on when this will be fixed?

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Hey @mgalindo,

This has already been added to our issue tracker and will be looked into by our development team. I cannot make any promises relating to a fix at this stage. I will add a note to the tracker referencing your report though so our dev team can see there are multiple reports of the issue.

Thank you for your understanding.


This is a pretty major bug that has been present for over three months. I’ve had to tell clients that they can’t have a simple sticky header and it makes me look unprofessional. More than 15% of all desktop traffic for sites I manage use Safari on MacOS. This is not an insignificant user segment and it needs to be addressed with greater urgency.

Hello @mgalindo,

Your feedback has been forwarded to our developers.

Thank you for your understanding.

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