Soliloquy - No Sliders Available

I previously used Soliloquy on an old website that I had X installed on. I uninstalled X on that old site and installed and activated it and Soliloquy on my new site. Soliloquy is Installed & Activated and I have published multiple sliders within Soliloquy, but when I go into Cornerstone and try to add the Soliloquy element, it shows “No Sliders Available”. I have tried multiple fixes, but nothing seems to work.

Please help!

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Hello Justin,

I have investigated the issue and I suspect that this is a bug in the recent update release. I’ve submitted this to our issue tracker so the developers will be made aware of it.

In the meantime, please use a content area element and insert the soliloquy shortcode to display the slider.

Please bear with us.

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