Smooth Scroll Plugin Not Effective

We’ve tried both the Smooth Scroll plugin that comes with Pro and some CSS that we found without success. We have a fixed header setup in Pro theme and the page jumps about 25% with initial scrolling up or down past the header. The rest of the page scrolls smoothly after the initial jump.

Hello @comstarsupport,

Thanks for writing in! Please update the Pro theme to version 6.4.20. You can check the changelog here:

Go to Cornerstone > Theme Options and set the “Top Height” to at least 148 pixels. Clear all your caches and test the site again.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

That solved it. Thanks again!!!

You are most welcome @comstarsupport

I have a different, but possibly related issue. At the top of the site (under the topbar we just added) is a white bar on all pages, that we cannot get rid of. It has been there since before we made your suggested changes above and before adding topbar. It changes color to purple when you scroll past it and the fixed header kicks in. We would like to eliminate it. Do you have any ideas?


Hey @comstarsupport,

The white space below the topbar has something to do with your custom CSS.

If you use that code across the website, you can add the code below to override just the header part.

.x-navbar .x-navbar-inner .x-container {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

Please note that custom CSS code is outside the scope of our support. Issues that might arise from the use of custom CSS code and further enhancements should be directed to a third-party developer or you can avail One where we can answer questions outside of the features of our theme.

Hope that helps.

Yes, that did help. There is another, possibly related issue on

With some of the accordion elements opened, I can use the scroll bar at the right side to get to the bottom of the page, but when using the mouse wheel to scroll it stops before getting to the bottom of the page and you can’t get to the bottom at all.

Hey @comstarsupport,

Kindly edit your custom footer and make sure that each of the Bar element has a height set to auto.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your response. We set all of the bars’ heights to “auto” but the problem persists when an accordion tab is open.

Hi @comstarsupport,

I have checked your website thoroughly and found that one of the sections in the content is the reason behind your problem. I would suggest you delete the section temporarily and check if that helps or not. If it helps, I would suggest you adjust the padding and margin of each column of that section and check if that works for you or not.

Hope it helps.

Can we hide the section or must we delete it to test?

Hi @comstarsupport,

You can make a duplicate of that page and delete it in a duplicate page for test.


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