Slider Revolution Malware?

I started to receive malware popups when visiting my site []. It started when I updated Slider Revolution. I installed Bitdefender which blocks the popups but I get a critical notification when I have SR activated and no notification when it is deactivated. Could the SR plugin have a bug? (FYI, the plugin is deactivated at present because of several complaints from visitors to the site)

Also, it was so long ago that I built the homepage, I can’t figure out how to edit the area above the masthead. It seems the procedure has changed.

Has anyone else had issues with Slider Revolution?

Hello @peedub,

Thanks for writing to us.

We are currently supporting Slider Revolution 6.7.17 and we have not received any complaints at the moment. Please ensure that you have installed the latest version of the Slider Revolution on your server.


Thanks…I have the latest version. The malware issue began when I updated to 6.7.17 and goes away when I disable the plugin.

Also, can you remind me of how to edit content above the masthead (menu bar)?

Hello @peedub,

I would suggest you go to the Page —>click on Edit —>page settings —>Slider settings —>select the deactivate

Hope it helps

I am so sorry to be a pain but the attached screen shot shows the only options available to me. No slider settings.

Hey @peedub,

If you cannot locate the settings on your end, we need to check your backend settings. To do that, please provide the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Hope that helps.

Hello @peedub,

We recommend that you delete the SR plugin and you have to reinstall the X theme as well. It seems that you used the when you installed the theme. You must use the file by the way.

Please log in to your FTP and delete the respective folders manually.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

I have completed your recommendations and no longer am triggering a malware alert for site visitors.

I still am not able to access the content above the masthead, though. Any suggestions?

Hello @peedub,

The Slider Settings is available when the Slider Revolution plugin is active.


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