I have a Pro Unlimited license. I have been trying to validate a new site. It was previously in a staging environment with a validated license. I tried validating it again after moving it to production, but I get the message that it was validated (and it does show up in my list in my themeco account) and then it reverts back to saying it is not validated. I’ve read other posts like this and tried everything recommended- I removed it from my account and tried again, I disabled all plugins and cleared cache, nothing seems to work. I will put credentials in a secure note, but i hope you can assist me. Thanks
Also, to note and save time, I have gone through these troubleshooting notes and this is not the problem:
Hello @jlswilton,
I have checked your site and I was able to validate it successfully without any issues. I used the license code shown in the secure note below.
Can you validate mine for me too? It’s doing the same thing.
I don’t see how to open a support ticket.
Hey @SermonViewMarketing,
It would be best to create your own thread so that we can address your issue properly. To open the a ticket, please check how forum works.
On the new thread, I would also like to request the following items and add the details in the secure note:
- WordPress Login URL
- Admin level username and password
You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.
Thank you.
Hey just a heads up this is a known issue when migrating any pro site to a new domain/url. It’s a weird issue but requires attempting to validate once so that you get the issue you’ve seen and then waiting a few hours. After a few hours the validation will work.
Yes, it is a known issue and has been for a very long time. Any chance you guys can address it because this really is a headache? We should not have to wait “a few hours” to finish a migration. There is clearly something functioning incorrectly when the validation is calling home. What can we expect in terms of an actual fix to this issue?
Yeah I’ll take a note of this. I’ve never had it explained to me this way so thank you. During this week we’ve noticed some other things with validation like the fact you need to be a version behind to even opt in to automatic updates. If it’s our server itself it will be fixed a little quicker. If it’s the validation code itself it might be a 6.2 point release thing.
We pushed up a change to our validation server and you shouldn’t have an issue changing urls now. Let us know if you still experience this.
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