Site lost home page cornerstone data after upgrade to 6.6.0

I just tried upgrading one of my live sites to 6.6.0

When I tried to open the front page in Cornerstone, it was as if all the cornerstone data was erased. Other pages seemed unaffected. I had done the migrate HTML process before I tried to open the front page in Cornerstone.

Since it was a live site I quickly restored from a backup and all is ok again.

But if you want to investigate want went wrong I can create a clone of the site for you to play with - please let me know.


Try sending me to that home page and I’ll see what went wrong. Have a great day.

I have made a testing site on my own server and have been able to reproduce the problem. I’ll add all the details in the secure note.

Exporting the homepage and running the migration on my site didn’t seem to garner any issues. I’ll try again on the site you sent me later this week.

I tried it again today. Just to check, this time I turned off all plugins (except for ACF and Wordfence) prior to running the HTML migration, but the same issue occurred.

Could I get a little more info on this site?

I noticed on your front page, there isn’t a link to edit the page. It does look fine just in Cornerstone. Was this page built in a very old version of Cornerstone or exclusively with shortcodes in the WP editor? I’m sure if I save that page within Cornerstone it would work fine, but would rather I figure out how to handle this in the migration process.

I think it is from 2017, maybe 2018. Originally made with cornerstone I think and it has been updated along the way with various cornerstone/pro versions. I have been making changes to the front page in cornerstone quite regularly and not experienced any problems with it.

It would have been made with “classic” elements originally (sections/rows/columns) and I replaced them with modern ones

I tested classic elements with HTML mode and noticed it doesn’t work properly. In the next release I’ll have a fix for that. Let me know if you still have issues after that. You shouldn’t have to run the migration again too. Have a great day.

Thanks, Charlie.
I thought I had already deleted any classic elements from that page a few years ago. Is there any way to tell if a classic element still exists?

I think if there were ever classic elements, it puts you in a ‘legacy’ document mode, where it will only renders shortcodes as opposed to the current element rendering. It shouldn’t be a problem after 6.6.2, but let me know if you still have issues after that update.

Adding to this it would be great even if just an extra plugin that could maybe just scan the website for classic elements being used with links to edit the page or posts and what classic elements are present. As would save time checking if sites have any classic elements and upgrading a lot less tedious.

We probably wouldn’t create a plugin to search for that. Rather just have an auto-upgrade process if we thought it would be useful and we wanted to get rid of the classic elements entirely. Have a great day.