Site Broken After Beta 6.6.0 beta 2

Hi Charlie,

A little belated, but the broken site I mentioned in post Pro 6.6 Beta 1 - HTML Storage - Message for which storage engine we are using is still present in beta 2.

I created a staging site for the in-development site (see Secure Note). Although update to beta 2 from 6.5.15 the same misalignments were present as in beta 1 - please see before and after screenshots.

Official Release 6.5.15

Same Image After Beta 2 and HTML Conversion

Another page - With official release

With Beta 2 and Aftwer HTML Conversion

In all cases, please notice both the margins and height of sections.

More details in the secure note!

All best,

It was actually as simple as clearing the Cornerstone cache in the settings. Do you want to give it a once over and let me know if I missed something? Appreciate you going through and giving me a site to look at. In the next beta I will make sure the Cornerstone cache is cleared when you run the migration. Have a great weekend.

Hi Charlie,

Good catch! I can confirm all looks ok again at this end again. The site is up and running if you need to test anything else, irrespective of the issue. I will delete the site when we are out of beta.

Have a great weekend yourself,

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