Sidebar help - unable to configure this

I’ve been trying to get sidebar to show up on my interior pages - none on landing page/home page. I have not had any luck.

Reviewing your support documents for configuring sidebars and widgets and I am discovering my Widgets area (under Appearance menu) doesn’t look anything like what is shown in the support docs.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi CountyWeb,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked your website’s inner pages and found that a Custom Layout is assigned to those that do not have any sidebar in it. To get the sidebar, you can add the Widget Area element to the side section of the layout.

Hope it helps.

Am I able to assign a specific sidebar to a page? It doesn’t seem to be working.

Thank you.

Hello @brocknessmonster,

You can assign a specific sidebar widget to a specific page using the Conditions and Assignments:

Hope this helps.

Sorry, I fail to see how your example allows me to configure specific sidebars/widgets for specific pages. Based on what I see in your screenshot I see how you specify a page but where do you tell the system what sidebar/widget area to use?

Hi CountyWeb,

Yes, you can assign a specific sidebar to a specific page, by selecting the page, and posts while creating the sidebar. But as the inner pages are assigned with Custom Layout, that overrides the default design. So, you need to add the specific sidebar using the Widget Area element and are required to set the condition as my colleague explains in his last reply.

Hope it helps.

I think I understand now. Within the custom layout I need to stack multiple Widget Areas and tell the conditional logic which Widget Area to expose for which page.

Fingers crossed. Thanks for the suggestions.

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