Short Code Smushed!

Hi there. At the following blog post you’ll see I’m using a raw content section at the bottom where I’ve placed a simple short code. For some reason though, it is smushing the content to the far left and not filling the content area. Can you advise?

ps__the short code is simply [product_category] from Woo Commerce.

Hi @MartinRayVaughan,

Thanks for reaching out.
You need to specify the category id to get the product listed from a specific category, it would look like the following.

[product_category category ="25"]

I would suggest you go through the following article on it.

Hope it helps.

Well, I don’t think that’s the issue. I replaced my original short code with “[product_category category =“28”]” (28 being the proper id), and it is still only utilizing the leftmost 10% of the Raw Content frame. As you can see in the pic.

Even when I put this shortcode (via Raw Content element) in a FULL column it is skinny, just like the screenshots. Any clue??

Hey Martin,

As a test, can you please try pasting your shortcode in the Text element and see if this resolves the issue? If the issue persists then please get back to us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.


Hi Martin,

The issue you are having all because the shortcode you have used does not mention the column and that is by default 4 so it takes the width 25% of its container width.
I would suggest you mention the column attribute value to 1 in the shortcode like the given example to make the product full-width of its container.

[product_category category ="28" columns=1]

Hope it helps.

That was it! Thanks.

You’re welcome Martin.

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