Set up filterable Layout Builder portfolio archive page + portfolio single page


The layout builder is powerful and great once the basics are given. I’ve read but it is REALLY difficult to figure out how to set up a simple filterable Layout Builder portfolio archive page + portfolio single page with the Layout Builder. I’ve used dynamic content before but I can’t find the correct things to call for in it. It would be very helpful if you guys made a demo portfolio set up for this. Since there isn’t one yet, could you please give me all the dynamic content settings that I need for this?

  1. Portfolio archive page with filterable categories + sub categories
  2. Portfolio single page

Thank you.


Hello @Lobsterass,

Thanks for writing in!

The single portfolio item layout can be created with the Single Layout builder. Just make sure that you assign your layout the portfolio items using the “Post Type is Portfolio Item”.

As for the Portfolio Archive page, you will also use the Single Layout builder and assign it to your portfolio page. Regretfully there isn’t a feature yet in the builder that you can have Filterable Portfolio items. The Filterable Portfolio item feature is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


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