Sending data to an API


Sending data back to an API is possible with POST and PUT, right? Do you have any working examples where this is done? The helpful and cool NASA and Pokemon examples only retrieve data from an API.

I’m not a hardcore developer so I’ve never really worked with APIs this directly and working examples and visuals really do help wrap my mind around things.

By the way, after only about 2 minutes of playing around with the API Looper feature I was pulling in random cat facts via
Yeah really simple but to me that is like magic! Thanks for making these kinds of tools that hide away so much complexity and make things easy even for someone like me :clap:t2:

We’ll have videos after the full release, all APIs are going to be slightly different though. The request part of the controls is where you input that data to send. The below docs can help you dissect the docs of another External API. Glad you are liking it, it’ll be a learning curve to get more complex examples up and running.


Thanks, that helps.

So pretty much with any forms plugin you could put some inputs on a page and map that to the API with DC, brilliant :grin:

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I got it to work with a simple API and the Forminator plugin. I put the URL param DC in the path field in this case.

So many ideas and possibilities this brings :clap: