Search Home Page Error

Hi guys,

I posted a thread a few weeks back and was asked to start a new one. Here is the link to the old thread if you need the credentials.

When I search for “HOME” I get the feature image on the left and this text on right, can you kindly help me fix?

Hi @LucyKeile,

I checked the sites on your license page and none of them shows that error.
Can you please provide the URL of the page as requested in the previous thread.


Please read the secure note I have posted. You must search inside the website.

Hello @LucyKeile
Thanks for writing to us.

The search results display excerpts. And WordPress generates plain text when displaying the excerpt, it will remove all shortcodes and HTML. But some could bypass if it contains malformed content, or other 3rd party plugins is appending some content.
The solution is adding text excerpt manually into your page(s).
And since pages, does not have an excerpt by default, you will have to add custom codes into WordPress to be able to insert a page excerpt.
Please go through this link to guide you to do it:

Please follow the steps:

Step 1.
Edit your page or post and scroll to the very top and click “Screen Options”, make sure Excerpt is toggled “ON”.

Step 2.
Scroll down and find Excerpt meta box section and there, add your text excerpt.

Please have a look the screenshot.


you guys are awesome! I am a bit scared but I will try…

Thank you.
If you need anything else we can help you with, don’t hesitate to open another thread.

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