scrollTo/one-page-navigation not working

One of my clients sites relies on one-page-navigation and i’ve recently noticed, one page nav isn’t working at all. You can see the url changing inside of the adress bar, but the scrolling won’t occur. This used to work and i can’t tell when it stopped working.

So far these are the things i tried already to resolve it:

  • deactivated all plugins (including cache plugins)
  • checked for console errors
  • installed the latest version of Wordpress and PRO
  • reinstalled PRO
  • cleared local Browser cache of course
  • tried different Browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox

Added the URL in the secure node.

Hi @sparko,

Thanks for reaching out.
If you have already tested the points mentioned, I would suggest you please copy your live site to a staging server so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site.
And give us access to the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.



i’ve made a backup of the current site and added credentials inside of the secure note. You can troubleshoot the given URL now.

Thank you!

I have to alter part of the link scrolling to get it working on this particular page. I couldn’t tell you what changed, but it’s a best practice to scroll the window and body together when you are doing something like we are. Which is the fix I’ll try get into the next point release.

Use the following to turn off the smooth scrolling for links so your page can work in the meantime. Have a great day!

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  window.csGlobal.csHooks.filter("hash_scrolling_allow", function() {
    return false;

Hey @charlie,

Thanks, that worked on desktop. On mobile however, the modal menu won’t close after clicking the menu links and the scrolling still wont occur.

Sorry I didn’t see the mobile header. Yeah I don’t think that will be fixed with the JS I posted above. I checked with the bug fix to Cornerstone and that’ll work with mobile header as well. Monday we’ll have something up for this. If I had to guess what changed, you are getting a double scrollbar so I’m guessing there is some rogue modal or off-canvas stretching the page. Hope that helps. Thanks for sending this our way!

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Great, thank you!

Hi @sparko,

You are most welcome.

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