Scroll Progress prefab feedback

Hey Charlie,

Very excited to play around with the beta! One of the first things I looked at was the scroll progress prefab but it disappoints a little bit. Here’s what I expected it could do:

  • Control the transition of the animated bar so it can be nice and smooth
  • Optionally add an icon to the bar that moves with the bar as it fills up/down
  • Styling controls for the part of the bar that is empty, although now you can do that on the container element the progress bar is placed in, but still

The first point is the most important one I guess and the other two are more nice to haves.

I can get the Effects > Transition values to effect the line width in Beta2.

Most of the code for this is going to a larger feature for having any element be controlled by the scroll percentage in a future release. Similar to the “Scroll” effects section, but hopefully a little more dynamic. I appreciate the feedback as I see us creating prefabs for what you just described on 2 and 3. Have a great day, thanks for testing.

Nice, then it’ll pretty much be on par with Josh’s version.

This sounds great :clap:t3: