Rev Slider Not Showing in Looper


I am doing a looper section with a View More that pops up a Content Modal. Most of my modals contain videos, and those are showing up properly. I have one I was using a Revolution Slider for because it was just images. However, the modal isn’t displaying the slider.

Here is how it is set up:
I have a ACF for the shortcode/video codes to go into.

Then I’m pulling in that custom field with dynamic content.

And here is how the content modal looks:

Should I be embedding the slider a different way?

Let me know if you want to look at the backend.


Hi Jen,

Thank you for writing in, can you try this dynamic code, where the modal_shortcode is the Rev Slider shortcode.

{{dc:post:meta key="modal_shortcode"}}

If that does not work, please update your Theme to the latest version and use the new Modal element instead of the Content Area Modal.

If nothing works, please provide us login credentials in a “Secure Note” so we can take a closer look.


Hi again,

Thanks for your suggestions. The problem with using the actual Rev Slider code is that this looper is pulling in content from several posts - some have a video and some have the rev slider. I did try this, however, and it didn’t pull in the slider either.

I am at the latest version of the theme (4.3.3), and I’m using the Content Area Modal because it has Dynamic Rendering and will stop a video from playing when it is closed out. The Modal element doesn’t do that.

I’ll attach a secure note with credentials so you can take a look. It is the second “What We Do” section (the rollover blocks) where the looper is located.


Hello @petitshoo,

Thanks for sharing the login details, I went ahead and checked your site. It seems that the dynamic content code is pulling the Revolution slider in the modal content but it is not working properly.
If you check it through the browser inspector you would see the Revolution slider markup(HTML) rendering in one of the posts. I went ahead and checked your custom post-type posts and it seems that you have added the Revolution slider shortcode in one of the posts. Please have a look at the screenshot in the secure note.

It might be the issue of JS conflict error since I noticed that there is some console error on your site. It might be due to plugin conflict or custom JS customization. I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

  1. Testing for Plugin Conflict
  2. CSS/JS Customization
  3. Version Compatibility
  4. Disabling Cache
  5. Child Theme

If none of those work, It would be best if you could copying your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi @prakash_s,

Thanks for your response. Yes, I see that the slider code is showing up. Just can’t figure out why the slider itself is not showing up.

If you look in the top “What We Do” section (we are under development and the client hasn’t picked which section they like best), you will see that same photo with text and a round button. The slider shortcut has been entered there and not pulled in via dynamic content and it is functioning and showing inside the modal.

I have turned off the non-essential plug-ins and the slider is still not showing in the dynamic modal. There is no JS customization and no CSS customization related to the slider.

Also, the site is not live yet. We have an under construction page up. So if you’d like to try in the site as it is, please go ahead.

It seems to me like a dynamic content issue as opposed to conflict since the slider shows up when not pulled in dynamically.


Hello Jen,

We suspect that this is a bug in the Looper restricting the "[]" or a shortcode to display in the dynamic content. This has already been added to our issue tracker and will be looked into by our development team. I cannot make any promises relating to a fix at this stage. I will add a note to the tracker referencing your report though so our dev team can see there are multiple reports of the issue.

Please bear with us.

Thank you for following up. I was wondering if something like that was the case. I’ll look at an alternative way of doing it…probably doing a video slideshow instead.

Thanks again,

You are most welcome Jen.

I have the same problem, I guess.
I created a custom post type with ACF Pro and a repeater field to load some pictures of house (for real estate customer).
I created a layout for these custom post type (real estate ad) and I would want to begin each real estate ad by a slider. I try layerSlider et RevSlider and at each time I have the featured image of each post in slider and not the pictures of current post.
It is not possible?

Or can I create in ACF a field for slider ID (and before create each slider for each real estate ad)!?


Hi @cpennetier,

I would suggest you create a new thread with this issue and please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.

On the other hand, you can create an ACF field which can store the Slider Alias and {{acf:field_name}} can be used as a parameter to the Slider like the following:

[rev_slider alias="{{acf:field_name}}"][/rev_slider]


Hello, thanks for this parameter idea… I have yet some issue with the looper but I go on working with the looper to find the good results.
I think view again the looper videos on your youtube channel.
Thanks awesome team!

Hi @cpennetier,

Glad that you liked the suggestion, please let us know if you need any further help.


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