I have been working on this for ages and thought I solved it but alas have not…I believe I have the same issue as:
But the code provided did not fix the issue for either the remove item option in woocommerce cart or the default sorting in woocommerce shop.
The remove item icon seems to be pushed off the table and the item quantity looks weird. I can’t seem to move everything over to get the icon to appear and stay there. I get it to show and then it disappears again…
When I display the front end editor in visual composer/wpbakery the remove product is appearing and the quantity is showing odd. But when I display the page in the front end the remove items cross dissappears and the item quantity looks fine.
I’m using the Snippet plug to try and modify the code and have tried many different variants but nothing seems to fix this, could you please help? Cheers Jodi