Reduce Essential Grid Featured Image Size

Hi there

How can I reduce the size of all of the featured images on their respective post pages?

For example:

Its too large, is there a good way to reduce it?

Hello @ifkda,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that you are using the default single post layout since you are a Pro theme user I would suggest you create a custom single layout through the Layout builder. Please look at this doc to learn more about creating a custom single-post layout.

Now you need to insert the Image element to display the featured image, you need to insert the dynamic content code with the size parameter. Please have a look at the given below code.
{{dc:post:featured_image_id size=“medium”}}


You can set the image size as per your design like “thumbnail, full, large, medium”. You may add custom image sizes using the PHP function. Please have a look at this article.

Hope it helps

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