Pulling data from post {{dc:post:featured_image}} (no idea what you call this)

When using the new feature of adding post images or titles directly in text are etc. I get nothing. I tried to look everywhere for documentation on this but couldn’t find anything.

If someone can point me to the documentation tha would be great.


Hello @cnever,

Thanks for writing in!

{{dc:post:featured_image}} will only work if you are using Cornerstone in creating/editing your post. This will display the featured image of the current post that you are editing. If you are using this on the page, nothing will display. You will need to target specific post instead by using the {{dc:post:featured_image post="123"}} where in “123” is the post ID. To find out the post ID, please check this out:

We would love to know if this has worked for you. Thank you.

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