Pro - Lightbox functionality

Hi there,

I’m wondering if there’s some sort of a Lightbox functionality right now in PRO. I know there was in earlier versions of X.

What I would like to achieve:

I have a section here with the heading " MUNKÁINK".

I have projects under it. If we hover over them, the + sign appears. Clicking on the + sign should trigger the lightbox gallery.

Right now I’m circumventing this by using EG and creating a separate page, but for maintenance this is much more complex long term.

Can you recommend a solution?

Hi @Pbalazs89,

Thanks for reaching out.
There is no such option to add the lightbox option to the images, I would suggest you use a few bundled plugin as an alternative solution which has the features you need. Please visit the links below for more details and plugin usage instructions.

Hope it helps.

There is a Lightbox function, but you can’t find it in the official documentation

I found this post where @christian explains it:

And you can find some information about the lightbox settings here:

[lightbox selector=".x-image" deeplink="true"
opacity="0.875" prev_scale="0.75" prev_opacity="0.75"
next_scale="0.75" next_opacity="0.75" orientation="vertical"

When you use .x-image as christian suggest the lightbox opens, but it doesn’t look very well. A navigation bar appears at the top that should lead to the next or previous posts. However, these are like iframes of the whole page.

And by the way, there is no option for using the picture url from the choosen image. It would be nice to have this feature without having to copy the URL manually every time!

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-23 um 15.59.24

Hi Regnalf,

Thank you for pointing out. But he might be seraching for an elements which will give him a similar functionaility, and that is why I didn’t referred it. The shortcode is also available for the all available stack, here is the Integirty which is used in the website.


Thanks for the help from both of you!

Hi @Pbalazs89,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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