PRO | Cornerstone not loading on my Learndash Lessons/Courses

Hello! I have been using X and then moved to PRO since the beginning along with Learndash. Something is happening since the last update where I cannot edit a lesson with PRO. It just loads and loads but it is that dreaded no preview screen. I have all of my clients on Siteground and use the same settings. But some of them are working fine and others just cannot. I have done the plugin on off and … can you just login to this site in the secure box and see what you think??? That would be awesome! :slight_smile:
Thank You!

Hi Noelle,

Thank you for writing in, please do the following first.

  • Ensure that you are fully up to date. WordPress, Theme, and Cornerstone (Version Compatibility)

  • Clear all the site caches (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors. While you’re at it, please deactivate this caching feature while we tackle this issue.

  • Navigate to Tools > Site Health and make sure there is no Critical issue.


Yes, of course, that was all done before I posted :wink:
I was hoping to come in today with more insight from you. I had left you the login credentials. I appreciate if you take a look. Thank you so much!!! :hugs:

Hi Noelle

Thank you for the credentials, I have taken a look on your site, and unfortunately, I’m not able to locate the root cause. The console does not give any lead. This seems to be an incompatibility issue between LearnDash and Cornerstone somewhere, here’s another case of this issue. What I can advise for now is to restore the PRO/Learndash to the previous working version.

Thank you for understanding,

Thank you for looking @friech. This is not good news as I have over 30 client sites with this combination and a lifetime unlimited license for both. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I need some insight as to this being on the PRO side or Learndash side. Right now I have some sites on one version of LD and others on the latest version but neither versions are working with PRO for lessons. Only lessons. Most of my clients do not build out their lessons with PRO so it has gone unnoticed. But I do use PRO myself in lessons. Can someone else take a second look?? @ruenel can you come check? You seem to always figure out what goes wrong through the years. Thank you, thank you! Noelle

Hey Noelle,

I hate to be the bearer of this message but Ruenel and the rest of the support staff can’t help with this case. In the thread shared by Friech, Alex, our core developer of Pro said:

Please contact your web host to revert your site from a working backup when the previous version of Pro was used.

Also, the site you updated looks like a live site. It’s strongly recommended NOT to update the live site directly without testing updates in a staging server so you could uncover conflicts without the risk of disrupting your live site’s operation.

Since it’s also a live site, I’m afraid to test the Layout Builder which is an alternative solution or setup for your case. The setup that I’m referring to would also need ACF Pro and the Dynamic Content feature to display data from the Lessons to the builder. This way, you don’t have to build using the Content Builder all the time. You just set up once using the Layout Builder then you just create Lessons using the WordPress editor. You still have a custom Lesson layout with this setup.

If you can set us up a staging copy of your site and give us staging WP Admin access, we’ll be happy to test the setup out.


PLEASE NOTE- I wrote this before I figured out the issue. Please skip to the comment under this with that info. I am leaving this comment though in case it helps in some way later. :slightly_smiling_face: Please scroll down to the new comment of the issue. Thank you!

Since Cory worked on it, can’t he tell if it is a PRO issue or a Learndash issue?? Is no one able to say? I have people in the learndash community that use PRO looking at their own sites and trying to get a better sense of what is happening. I am going to go in today as well and open every single one of my clients sites to test. I will reach out to Learndash Support as well.

This is not a light issue for me. Unlimited Lifetime License for both PRO and Learndash and I create custom layouts for my client’s courses which includes lessons. I cannot just keep sites at such an old version. Learndash is one of the very top LMS, it has always been compatible with X and then PRO.
Let’s please see what we have…

  1. Are you saying this bottom part of your message above to me?? As it does not seem relevant to me. The site I gave you is brand new and not open. (I could do a staging site in 10 minutes for you guys to work on, so let me know)

  2. I can upload a template to a lesson while PRO is spinning and it does upload and I can save it. Meaning I could do a workaround for each lesson and build it on another page and then load a template and work on with no preview. (not a long term solution)

  3. Since I can do this above as seen in the actual Welcome Lesson link I had included in the secure note, it just seems that the answer cannot be tooooo far away! :face_with_monocle: It is actually the preview that is not loading.

  4. I saw in the other thread that she said it worked with PRO version 4.0.11. This site is brand new so there is no reverting back.

  5. Did you guys actually login to my site and see the issue and how I can upload the template but no preview?? Please confirm as I do not want opinions based on what happened with the person in the other thread. Thank you so much!! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time and not giving up!

:bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang:
Hello! I know what it is!! It is when Focus Mode is turned on in Learndash. I am including a video link in a secure note. I have tried this now on 6 different sites and it is the issue. Can you please see from here and let me know? THANK YOU! Noelle

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Hi @Noellemena,

Thank you for that info, that is huge. although we can’t promise a fix since it still involves a 3rd party plugin, I’ve submitted this to our issue tracker so the developers will be made aware of it and might be able to do something on our end.


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Yes!! Thank you! I’m including the login to the dev site in a secure note. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello! The Learndash team has been looking at this issue on a staging copy of the site. They took it all the way back over a year in Learndash versions. The site was left at the latest version of PRO. No version of Learndash worked with this issue above. So I went in and created a second staging site and left Learndash it is latest release and instead, took PRO back to Version 3.2.3 (I had this zip file). When I did that, the learndash lessons loaded perfectly with PRO. They were completely normal. I am including the login and staging site urls in a secure note. Can you please check so we can get this nailed down and then fixed? Learndash devs are waiting to see what you see to move forward now. THANK YOU! Noelle

Hey @Noellemena,

Thank you for providing more details. This will be helpful for our development team.

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Excellent! I have not seen anyone look yet. Please leave this thread open so it can all be together. Thank you so much! Noelle

Don’t mention it!

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Hello everyone!
Checking in on this as the Learndash Devs have been working in both of my staging sites to narrow an issue. They have found no correlation that it is something different in Learndash causing this issue. I see now where some themeco support has been in the staging sites. (thank you!) Please see above where it is PRO causing the issue. You just need to see what tweak needs to happen. :wink:

I know Learndash is a third party, but X and PRO have always worked smoothly together with Learndash. Learndash is one of the very top (if not the top) LMS for Wordpress. PLEASE let’s keep it working smooth! :hugs: It has to be something pretty tiny as it is perfect everywhere but Lessons and Topics.

:pushpin: I will even do the testing to find the latest version of PRO that actually worked with Lessons and Topics if you can get them to me. I cannot find a list of where to download earlier versions. I had a ton but had cleaned out a couple of months ago as I did not need them.

Thank you!! Noelle

Hey Noelle,

This case has been submitted in our Issue Tracker so even if this thread gets automatically closed, this is still being queued for investigation.

Note that this is not just a simple tweak or fix as mentioned by one of our developers in the other thread. With that said, we could not guarantee a fix.

Just keep your staging site online.


Hello! In the other thread they had no idea where is was stemming from. But now we do, it’s Focus Mode. So I do not think the response would be the same as the other thread. Please make sure they are completely updated and not thinking it is just a broad issue. Thank you!

Hi Noelle,

Rest assured that our developers will look at this thread. Just stay tuned and please bear with us.

Thank you.

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Stopping by to keep this open :sunglasses:

Hi Noelle,

You are most welcome.