Pro Child does not recognize Pro Version: 6.3.0-beta1

After updating to Version: 6.3.0-beta1, I get this error in the themes-section of the WP-Backend:

Broken Themes

The following themes are installed but incomplete.

|Pro – Child Theme|The parent theme is missing. Please install the "pro" parent theme.|

Re-Installing the child-theme (downloaded here: does not solve the problem:

This theme requires a parent theme. Checking if it is installed…

**The parent theme could not be found.** You will need to install the parent theme, **pro** , before you can use this child theme.

Best regards


In style.css of your child theme change the Template part to Template: pro-beta. This has come up before so I’ll definitely be creating some docs for this. Thanks for testing!


Theme Name: Pro – Child Theme
Theme URI:
Author: Themeco
Author URI:
Description: Make all of your modifications to Pro in this child theme.
Version: 1.0.0
Template: pro-beta


Hi Charlie,
thank you for making clear. Just to be sure, I do understand:
I now have to use two different child-themes

  • the “old” one for “normal” installations and
  • one with “Template: pro-beta” for the beta-installation


Best regards


Yeah can totally copy your child theme and have a beta child theme as well that points to the beta. I was referring to just changing the current child theme’s style.css file. Either way works, and if you make changes to your current theme not during beta you can just copy over to the beta child theme during the next one. Hope this helps! Have a great day.

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Thank you, yes, that helps!

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