Pro 6.6 Beta 2 - Dev Toolkit > Copy Element - Not working

Hi @charlie!

I was away for a while but in about two weeks I will be back in the discussions as usual. I love everything you guys did in the past year!

I am testing the Beta 2, and I noticed that The “Tools > Elelements > Copy element” in the Dev toolkit is returning the “Uh Oh” message.

On a side note, I hope the announced WPML changes are implemented as soon as possible. All my websites rely on WPML, and the inability to translate components (Except with TWIG)—along with various WPML issues—has been a massive setback that left my team and me in dispair. :slight_smile:

Very glad to have you back Misho. I hope you have been well.

The copy error usually happens when a site is not HTTPS or your dev site is not using localhost has the domain. It’s a browser thing. If that’s not the issue let me know. I am going to update the error message for this case as “Failed to Copy” is not helpful enough.

I have thought more about the WPML issues. I certainly want to take a look at if HTML mode can allow for the translations we need. Although the more I think about that, the more I think that wouldn’t work perfectly with Dynamic Content. It would still be worth looking at how well it would work. The real goal is probably fix how components are created. They are not actual Posts where Global Blocks are thus not allowing WPML to interact with individual components. It’s something I’d like to take a look at this year though, but probably not a Pro 6.6 thing due to the scope.

Have a great day.

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