Pro 6.4.7 Params error when using `isVar` within a group

With the latest 6.4.7 update, all elements using isVar parameters that are within a group now cause a breaking error in the builder, disabling all options in the inspector.


On a fresh install of WordPress and Pro 6.4.7, I set up a new component and added a headline, with the following Parameters JSON:

  "text" : "text|Default text",
  "design" : {
    "type" : "group",
    "params" : {
      "max-width" : {
        "type" : "max-size",
        "initial" : "none",
        "isVar" : true

These are the errors that show up in the console:

If you then take the max-width parameter out of the design group, it works as expected, no errors showing. I.e. the following JSON has no problems:

  "text" : "text|Default text",
  "max-width" : {
    "type" : "max-size",
    "initial" : "none",
    "isVar" : true


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Thanks for sending this our way. We’ll get that fixed tomorrow. Happy new year!


Thanks for raising this, experienced something similar on one of my dev builds. I’ll wait for tomorrow’s fix and report back if it fixes my issue

Was just about to report this… you beat me to it!

@charlie, I removed this part of my param config because I had work I needed to do on the site today. However, there were existing instances of the component around the site already. It was just a simple text size shift at the small breakpoint in some buttons around the site - prolly can find them easily as this gets fixed. But, my question is this:

How will the system behave now that I actually removed the isVar property from the param after you fix this tomorrow? Like, when I put the property back, will CS remember what I had for those small breakpoints or will that value be gone in the individual instances of the buttons?

I answered this myself with a little experimentation. The answer is yes, the individual breakpoint’s value for my text element contained in any instance of the component was persistent even though I removed the isVar property from the params in the component.

What I did was roll back to 6.4.6 after I already removed the property from the params. This meant that the text size could not be tooled for my small breakpoints on the component instances I used around the site. But after I rolled back I simply added the isVar property back to the component and the value I had previously configured in each instance for small screens was persistent. Which makes sense now that I think about it. Simply removing the property would not alter the data the instance has, only its ability to use it.

Anyway, just thought I’d update the tread in case anyone needed peace of mind as Charlie works on this point release fix.

Happy building in 2024 guys!

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The group parameter issue fix is out now. Have a great day everybody

Thanks @charlie!

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