Prior to Pro 6 this feature used to work as expected. It is also a super useful feature that has fallen away since Pro 6.
I brought this up during the beta’s several times and since. Each time it has been said that it will be added back but the issue persists.
In Pro 5 and earlier. If we were editing a column and editing the padding, if we switched to another column the builder would remember we were on the padding and the inspector would be scrolled to the padding section of the settings.
Since the early beta’s of Pro 6 this feature disappeared. If I’m editing a bunch of columns and want to edit the padding, every time I select a different column the inspector scrolls to the top and I need to scroll back down to the padding.
While we can copy element styling this is often not feasible as the element may have certain settings different to the element we may want to copy.
In these instances it is super useful to be able to select multiple versions of the same element type and be able to adjust the specific setting without having to scroll back down to the specific setting in the inspector.
Any chance we can get this feature back?