Pro 5.1.5 - adding a classic element in the footer builder

I’m trying to add a Gravity Forms Classic element to a footer design.

Can’t use the new Forms Element as ajax is broken for Gravity Forms in the new element.

On the classic element ajax works but I can’t find a way to add the classic element to the modal.

I tried creating a preset in a page but then the preset isn’t available in the footer.

Hello @urchindesign,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please make sure you have enabled the Classic element, I would suggest you go to the cornerstone—> Settings -->Classic element and click on any of the elements to enable it. Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

Alternatively, you can use Raw content elements to render the Gravity Forms.

Hope it helps

Unfortunately I have already checked the settings.

The classic elements are available just not in the footer builder. There is no option in the settings to activate in the different builders only the settings as per your screenshot.

I’ll add it with a short code. I just prefer, where there is an element, to use the element.

Hi @urchindesign,

Unfortunately, the Classic elements do not available in Footer. But you can create a Global Block with the Classic element and use the Global Block in the footer using the Global Block element or use the shortcode of Global Block in the Raw Content element in the Footer.
Here you can learn how to create a Global Blocks and use it as shortcode.

Hope it helps.

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