SOS here! Half of my drafts have been “deleted” by cornerstone. What I mean by this is that I can see my created content in the wordpress edit block with no style such as fonts, image placing, lots of CSS formating tags etc that I used in Cornerstone - there is no layout pretty much but the core content is there.
When I go to edit in cornerstone or go to preview - there is nothing. There is only the Title and that is it. I have no idea where it went or why the drafts aren’t appearing; only the most recent drafts are available to edit.
I am worried about where my cornerstone content went, if my new drafts will disappear also, and a solution to this issue.
I have tried clearing all cache and style cache, tried deactivating all plugins to no avail, and even attempted to publish the content and it still came up blank.
I have no idea what is going on and this is very concerning, SOS! Thank you!