Post count is off on archive page

On this page, the post count should be 9, and in the builder preview it shows correctly (see screenshot attached). However on the front end, the last two do not display.

Hey @bobbyoliveri,

Thanks for writing in! Do you have any conditions on the Looper Consumer? Be advised that on an archive layout, there should not be a Looper Provider. We would love to check your site. Please provide us with your WP details. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works



No conditions are applied to the consumers, as far as im aware.

Hello @bobbyoliveri,

I tried to access the site dashboard, but the login details are not working. Please recheck and send us again.


@prakash_s this login worked just fine on my end. Please try again.

Hey @bobbyoliveri,

After logging in, we see this:

But when accessing the WP dashboard, it just redirect us back to the log in page again.


Please try again. I deactivated a membership plugin that might have been causing the issue?

Hey @bobbyoliveri,

I am also seeing 7 items on the backend, but it should be showing 9 items because you’ve set 9 counts in the Settings > Readings.

With that said, it might be a custom code or plugin conflict that affects the functionality. I highly recommend that you try these troubleshooting procedures.

Hope that helps.

All plugins are off in a staging site, and problem persists. Also no custom code added. Staging site:

Login should still work

For what its worth, I can get it to show all 9 in the preview (when it doesn’t, if you change row setting from auto to grow - and then back to auto) it seems to work. Plus the products that show are different in the preview than the front end. It seems like its not the last two that are left off, but the first two.

Hey @bobbyoliveri,

It seems that only the archive is not displaying the correct number of posts. I checked the test page,, and it displays just find. There must be a setting, code or a plugin that is preventing or excluding some of the post items. May we try to temporarily disable the FacetWP plugin?

Best Regards.

Sure, but I have already tested all the plugins.

This is an ACF post type, with archive enabled. Disabling ACF Pro will make the page inaccessible, but as far as I can tell it should still be working.

Hey guys, with the help of @DoncoMarketing, the solution was that I had a consumer in the header that didn’t have a provider. So I was consuming two of the posts for that and therefore came up short where i expected there to be 9 results. Appreciate the help digging into it.

Hey @bobbyoliveri,

We’re glad that you guys figure it out!
