Portfolio page loads intermittently

Hi, This has been an ongoing issue for me on numerous Pro sites. I am on Ethos stack and my sites are hosted with Siteground. My portfolio intermittent loads sometimes and then sometimes not. It is very frustrating. It happens mobile on mobile devices but also on desktop.

I have deactivated any cache plugins on my site.

I see I get this error on loading

I have tried to use Supercache instead but this seems to really mess with my site

I have no customistaions to my sites, just 1 or 2 basic lines of CSS to make headers sticky etc.

Please can you help on this. I have this similar issue on 3 Ethos sites.

I have disabled my plugins and went through but similar results

Hello Gareth,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of plugin conflict or JS/CSS customization. I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

  1. Testing for Plugin Conflict
  2. CSS/JS Customization
  3. Version Compatibility
  4. Disabling Cache
  5. Child Theme

If none of those work, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


HI, Yes, I have checked through these options as I had this problem beofre and other sites and ended up turning every plugin that wasnt essential off and all caches cleared until there was nothing but the problem intermitently exists.
I have attached a secure not note below so you can help me finally get to the botoom of this.

Thanks for your great support as always.

Hi Gareth,

Thanks for reaching out.
It seems that the 3rd party plugin SG Optimizer might be the cause behind the issue, I would suggest you deactivate it temporarily and check if the issue still exists or not. If that issue not exists I would suggest you report the plugin author on this, if you need to use the said plugin.
Please remember that we really don’t offer any support or investigation related to 3rd party plugins. Please let us know if you are having any further issues.

Thanks for understanding

Hi, Thanks for your reply. Is there any particular aspect of SG Optimiser that you found to be the issue, I have toggled on / off nearly all aspects and as there is a lag in the front end I have never been able to narrow it down to any particular aspect. Thanks for you help and I understand your scope. You are very kind. Thanks so much

Hi Gareth,

The specified issue was previously addressed and the reason behind that was the SG Optimizer. Please let us know if that does not work for you.


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