Polylang and Themeco Pro integration plugin

Hello! Like many other forum users, I’ve encountered issues when trying to integrate my translated web pages with Polylang and Cornerstone in a Pro theme. That’s why I’ve created this simple plugin to enable this integration while developers at Themeco may consider creating a native integration in the future.

For now, the plugin is in the review phase by WordPress.org, but I’ll provide you with the link to the GitHub repository below in case you want to download and manually install it on your websites.

As a note for beginner users, when you download the zip file, please remember to rename the folder and remove the reference to the Main branch. This way, the plugin directory should look like this: polylang-tcopro.

If you come across any bugs or encounter issues with the plugin, please report them in the “Issues” section of the GitHub repository.

I hope this topic doesn’t violate Themeco’s policies in any way.

Github repo: https://github.com/ControlZetaDigital/polylang-tcopro

I hope it serves you as well as it has served me.



Hey @guipozcab,

Thank you for sharing your ideas, this might help some other users who want to work with Polylang. We really appreciate your time and effort in creating this plugin.



@guipozcab This works great! Now Polylang really becomes an alternative!

Do you think the way you implemented this is quite “stable”? Or is there a high chance that something will break in the future?

I know we don’t know what Themeco will change in the future. Just an estimate if the solution was super complicated and feels fragile or rock solid :muscle: :grin: (haven’t checked your code, yet).


Hi @raye,

Glad that the plugin helps. We are also working on the integration problem of the said plugin which might be coming up in a few upcoming releases.


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Hi @raye thank you for the feedback

The plugin is quite simple; essentially, it stores, using the WordPress postmeta, the languages that the user has assigned to each type of Cornerstone element. Then, through a set of filters provided by CS, the element is displayed based on the assignment made in CS, with the additional check of whether that element should be visible in the current language.

Given this, I wouldn’t be able to say if Theme.co will make substantial changes to the Cornerstone rule assignment service in the short or medium term, but I will try to keep the plugin up to date if that happens.



Hey @guipozcab,

Thanks for your input, we really appreciate it.


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Thank you @guipozcab for your estimate. Sounds good!

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Hi @raye,

Glad that it helps.

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