PayPal buttons on single product layout

Sorry you closed this post before i could get back to it over Christmas…

The last reply was…

It seems that you are using the WooCommerce Single layout which overrides the WooCommerce default layout and that is why the Paypal button is not able to use the default Hooks to inject. I would suggest you contact the Plugin Author and check if any shortcode is available for showing the Paypal option, so you can use that in the Layout .

Can I confirm by WooCommerce Single layout you mean the option supplied by yourselves for recreating a single page layout in X theme and if so why wouldn’t an option to show the PayPal buttons be made available for this layout? It is available on the checkout page and mini cart, why wouldn’t it be available on the single page layout.

Also I wonder if you could point me in the right direction regarding this shortcode you mention. in the previous post, I cannot seem to find it anywhere.

Hi @etah,

The Layout Builder overrides the WooCommerce hooks and allows the user to add the elements into the Single Product layout. The WooCommerce hooks are also used to inject the Paypal button, which is already overridden while using the Layout Builder. I would suggest you use the shortcode for PayPal button in the Single Product layout to get that work.

Hope it helps.

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