I hope you can help. In the last week or so (sorry I can’t be more specific) the parralax elements on my X website have ended up with the end chopped off on desktop. They used to run right to the edge of the website but now have a border down the side which has shifted some other elements.
This is happening with all parralax elements (used as templates from the Crafty template) on the site - 2 on the homepage, 1 on the about page, 1 on the yoga page and 1 on the contact page. Site is www.yogipod.co.uk . Although this doesn’t affect the usability of the site it is not how it was designed.
It is still showing the correct layout in Cornerstone but not when the site is live. Images attached below - 1st one is correct and the second one is not
Please advice how to fix this
Many thanks