Parallax Bug


I’ve noticed that the “jumping parallax bug” is still around on some of my sites. There are a ton of reports about it:

Parallax image jumps on scroll
Paralax background jumps
Parallax Scrolling: Background position jumps at start
Parallax issue. Image in wrong position before scrolling

Sadly, the workaround in this thread won’t do the trick for me. I also think, people shouldn’t be required to paste in custom CSS for a basic CS component to work properly.

Is this issue being worked on?

Best Regards

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Can you share a screenshot, site, or .tco file with me? I’m not able to recreate this parallax jumping on my site using a section. I do see an issue where it doesn’t run the positioning code until a scroll or resize happens, but would like to confirm that running that on startup fixes it. Thanks and I can make sure it gets looked at. I agree we shouldn’t need extra CSS for something like that.

Sure, i’ve attached the site and a screenrecording in the secure note.

Watch how the background image of the hero section moves up on the first refresh of the site.

I’m using Safari (v 16.4) primarily, but this also happened in Firefox.

Thank you for investigating this issue! :slight_smile:

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I’ll setup the parallax to recalcuate on load as well as the scrolling calc it does. That’ll at least prevent this issue from ever happening. It would be nice if it was transformed on startup from PHP (so it doesn’t even need to jump into place), but that was a little more involved and I’m not sure that translates because of differing browser screens. Thanks and happy to help!

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Thank you for investigating this further! I’m more of a frontend developer. I know CSS and HTML very well, but I have no idea about PHP.

However, I’m very confident you know what you’re talking about :laughing:

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The update today addresses the parallax issue you were experiencing. Let me know if still have this issue!

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Looks good so far! I’ll let you know if I should encounter it again, but it seems to be fixed.

Thank you for your quick response and fix!

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