Pagination Not Working :(

Hello there,

I have added the elements of a recent post and below that a Pagination in single post template, but it seems like not working.

Can you please help me here?

Ref URL: https://staging.banglarachan[.com/%e0%a6%86%e0%a6%ae%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%b0-%e0%a6%aa%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%b0%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%af%e0%a6%bc-%e0%a6%b6%e0%a6%96-%e0%a6%b0%e0%a6%9a%e0%a6%a8%e0%a6%be/

Hi Saswata,

Thanks for reaching out.
Unfortunately, the given page URL is not accessible, I would like to request reshare the URL along with login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.

I would also suggest you go through the following thread, which may be helpful on this topic.


Hello there,

Here is the URL:আমার-প্রিয়-ঋতু-শীতকাল-রচনা/

At the bottom of the post, I have added pagination so that when any reader scroll down they can click next to read all articles.

P.S. Added site credentials.

Hi Saswata,

Thank you for providing the credentials. Pagination is really only possible in an Archive Layout that is assigned properly, because of the nature of how pagination works. I see you’re using Single Post layout that’s why it isn’t working for you.

Here’s a very detailed answer about using Pagination correctly, please follow this thread:

Hope this helps!

ummm, is it not possible anyhow to add pagination in a single post layout?

Hello Saswata,

Please be advised that the Post Pagination element will only work for the blog index and the archive layouts. It is actually a WordPress Pagination feature turns into an element to make it easier to add pagination while you are using the builder. You cannot use the Post Pagination element in a single post layout or on any normal single page/post that uses Loopers.

For a single post layout, what will work is the Post Navigation which will help you to navigate between the previous and the next post item.

Hope this helps.

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