Pagination Element


Is there any way to have the pagination element in a slider show say a headline element rather than a dot or number? I’m building a fullscreen timeline style slider with the pagination running vertically and I would like to show the titles of the steps in the timeline in the pagination.


Hey Darren,

Thanks for writing in! The Slider Pagination element is always a DOT representation. If you want to create something custom, you can do it too. Just make sure to use the data-x-slide-context custom attribute and then you can use Text or Button elements for your custom Slider Pagination to display slide titles.

Hope this makes sense.

Hey Ruenel,

Of course - sorry, I should have worked that one out. Thanks!!


You are most welcome Darren.

Hey Guys,

Just having a little trouble using the data-x-slide-context custom attribute to get the text elements to connect to the slides. DO you have any tutorials on how to use data-x-slide-context? The scroll effect for the text elements isn’t showing like it was in a slider…instead its showing as a screen scroll effect. Clearly I’m not connecting it up right…


Hey Darren,

Your element structure should be like this:

     Column (you can place the data-x-slide-context here)
        Slider Wrapper
            Slide Container
                Slide 1
                Slide 2
                Slide 3
        Div (custom slide pagination)
           Some Text 1 (data-x-slide-goto=1)
           Some Text 2 (data-x-slide-goto=2)
           Some Text 3 (data-x-slide-goto=3)

Hope this helps.

Hey Reunel,

Thanks for that - it all worked perfectly. Appreciate it!

Am I able to build the slider so that as you start scrolling down the page, the slider first moves through all its slides until it gets to the last one, then starts moving back down the page again?


Hey Guys,

Just another question about the slider I"m working on;. I’v downloaded the Fullscreen Slider from Max to use as a base and even without modifying it the slides aren’t doing what what shown in the video.

If you go to the page and slick through either of the sliders you’ll see that the bottom slide in the stack is always showing during each transition. Almost like the Exit Transition isn’t showing and the last slide in the stack is visible underneath.

Hey again,

Just wanted to let you know I’ve decided to go a different route - thanks again for all your help guys.


You are most welcome, Darren.

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