Open close toggle container for mobile nav

I have two menus in my header. A desktop (nav inline) and a mobile (nav collapsed). How do I toggle the containing div for the mobile nav? I’d like to have a hamburger menu that toggles that open / collapsed.

EDIT: I found the issue with Mobile/Desktop nav hide during breakpoint logic so deleted my follow up post.

Hi @brocknessmonster,

By withdrawing the post, I believe you already have resolved the issue. If the issue still existed, you can let us know.


The issue hasn’t been completely resolved. I have the desktop and mobile menus showing and hiding at the right breakpoints. My remaining issue is how can I collapse / expand the Mobile menu so the user clicks on a hamburger icon to get the expanded menu on mobile?

Hello @brocknessmonster,

You will need to use the Dropdown element first and then insert the Navigation Collapsed element in it.

  • See the secure note for more screenshots


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Hello @brocknessmonster,

By withdrawing the post, I believe you already have resolved the issue. If the issue still existed, you can let us know.


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