Off canvas toggle needs multiple clicks to open

first: thank you for the latest updates - great stuff again!
But since then I have a strange issue:
The off canvas toggle for my sticky menu needs multiple clicks to open.
Only at the 13th click it does open.
The JS console says:
“Unhandled Promise Rejection: AbortError: The operation was aborted.”
Hope you can help!
Kind regards,

Hello Hannes,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your given site URL it seems that the off-canvas toggle is working fine on my end. I have tested it on the Google Chrome browser version 119.0.6045.159. It might be the issue of the browser cache I would suggest you please clear your browse cache and recheck it. If the issue persists please let us know the browser and its version so that we can check it on our end.


Thank you.
Now it works.
No idea why, I emptied the browser cache of course first.
The issue was on several days after updating everything and clearing the cache.
Kind regards,

OK, now I am a little bit closer: it is reproducible.
I use Safari on a MacBook, latest versions.
Opening the Page: Menu modal WORKS.
Opening the Page in CS: Menu modal WORKS NOT (>13 clicks necessary) and after this in another tab the frontend page does NOT WORK, too (13 clicks necessary).
Clearing the bowser cache does NOT HELP.
On Chrome browser on Macbook it WORKS.
Here is something going on.

Hello @salilou,

I would suggest you please go to the Header -->Bar —>Container —>set the container z-index as 999 where you have added the Off-canvas element.


Thank you, but this did not have a visible effect.

Hey @salilou,

This happens on my end on Windows Chrome but only on first load (incognito). This might be related to Font Awesome issues recently. Would you mind upgrading to Pro 6.4.5 and see if it helps.


I updated to Pro 6.4.5, unfortunately without success.

Hey @salilou,

I was the only one who was able to replicate the issue previously but now, your menu opens up just 1 tap. On mobile, it will open provided that resources in your site already is already loaded which is normal.

Please clear your browser cache and also check in incognito. I tested in incognito to ensure my test would not be affected by browser cache.

Thank you.
On Firefox it works now.
But on Safari it does not.
Maybe it depends on the little modal in the footer.
Please see screenshot in secure note.
Menu modal and footer nodal, both do not work on Safari.
Kind regards,

Hey @salilou,

It works in Safari. Please clear your browser cache.

Thank you.
I DID clear the browser cache (of course).
But it does not work in Safari.
As you can see in this video, I have to klick several times in the header menu toggle without success.
Then I scroll down to the footer modal and after several clicks only it comes up.
Then finally the header menu modal works, too.

Kind regards,

I actually don’t see the button at all when I view your site. I would work on the spacing of this header and see why it’s doing that. If I had to guess what your seeing, is that the page is loading so slow that the button isn’t ready to be clicked when yous see the page. When we do see the button it works fine though. That video didn’t work for us unfortunately. Also try adding a z-index to the off-canvas toggle. Happy Holidays!


Thank you.
You can see the video here
Setting the container of the header menu Modal to z.index: 9999 and
Setting the container of the footer heart Modal to z.index: 9999
did not succeed.

Hello Hannes,

Try setting the the z-index of the header to 9999 while the footer is only at 9990. This would make sure that the footer will always be behind the header.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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