Off Canvas Not Closing One Page Website

I am having the same issue as this member in #1 of his question:

I am up to date on everything as well and only have one plugin activate and it is gravity forms.

On this site:

Hey there,

The #1 question is the smooth scrolling issue. I tested the one page nav in your site and it scrolls smoothly. See Please clear all caches including browser cache then check again.


Ok so number two then.

Add this code in Pro > Launch > Theme Options > Global JS

jQuery(function($) {
    $('.x-menu-collapsed .x-anchor').on( "click touchstart", function() {


I tried but it didn’t work.


Upon checking, I can see you have added hm6 in your code.

Kindly add the code provided as it is.


Thank you. All fixed.

How do I make my sub menu work now on mobile? Won’t dropdown

You need to remove the code we’ve provided if that is the case. It’s only a workaround if you want to close the canvas after clicking the menu. Further tweaking it to open the submenu will be getting into custom development. You might want to consider using a different menu for this or use UberMenu which has a lot more options than the menu systems in Pro. See for more details.

If you want to continue with custom code, we do have an in-house custom development team that offer paid services, who may be able to assist. They can be contacted at if this is of interest to you.

Thank you for your understanding.