My website has been giving me 502 errors ever since the WordPress 6.2 update. I’ve tried removing my old version of Pro and uploading the newest version using FTP. It wasn’t successful, and I still don’t have access to the backend of my website. I’ve tried nearly every fix I’ve seen listed on this forum:
Removing Pro entirely and trying to load a default theme
Using Pro 5.1.5, and adding the suggested “return;” to line 260 in cornestone.php
Disabling plugins
Attempted to but was not successful in entering recovery mode on my website (edited wp-config to try and force send an email with a recovery mode link)
None of these things seemed to make any difference, since my website is still giving me 502 errors. (And I have been clearing my cache as well…still no success.) There is still no way for me to access the backend of my site. Is there something I’m missing, here?