New Feature: Progress bar for Cornerstone Charts

Have you thought of adding progress bar to the Cornerstone Charts as I just went looking there expecting it to be there as I see you have many options maybe add for future.

Do you have more details on what you are trying to do or even better an image? I’ve created templates like this one in the past, which sounds like what you are going for. I can send it to you if that’s what you are looking for. If you want to do a straight line you can use the Stacked option in the axis so the values align on a singular line. Have a great day.

Hi Charlie,

Thanks yes I was thinking effectively a straight line version of what you have for now that would be great if could send the template for that. Thanks ahead.

In terms of implementation updating Charts I would think adding it with multiple percentage values. And labels of what area means equals something with option of say conditional labels say 90% conditional label says goal almost reached. These just ideas for a more fleshed out progress bar for releasing with Cornerstone Charts e.g. would make for say donation sites setting up custom progress bars really simple lowering need for other limited donation plugins and other progress bars for fitness goals. Thanks ahead and always love making more use of building different things I would use in plugins or complete custom in cornerstone more natively or now with Twig.

You can check out my templates below. If you’d like it to be empty you can remove the color on the unfulfilled dataset data. That’s what I did for the Pie. Let me know if that helps. Have a great weekend.

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Awesome thanks this is great see this is an altered bar chart, will compare with the default bar chart to see how you go that too.

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