A couple weeks ago, WP Engine updated my site to the newest version of Wordpress, 5.3.
When I looked at my site two days ago, my logo was suddenly overblown and taking up the entire header.
Also, my fonts on the buttons, the body copy, and some of the headers suddenly changed, when they were globally set with my child theme.
My navigation bar and footer also disappeared.
I reverted back to previous versions of the site, Wordpress, and cleared cache, going back to when I KNOW the site looked right, and the problem has not gone away. Here’s what it looks like now and what it used to look like.
I am launching a book this month and this is putting the brakes on everything, I need help asap please.
We’re you’re having this issue. I can see some CSS is missing. That version of PRO you got is too old. Version 1.1.0. Latest version is already 3.1.1. Since you are on WPEngine, it has a staging feature. Can you setup the staging site please. Copy what you have on the live to staging. Then please update PRO theme to the latest version on this staging site. Please check the issue again after update on the the staging. If the issue persists, we need to see your setup. Please share site URL and credentials inside a secure note.
How do I update to the newest version once I transfer my site to a staging site?
Also, I just bought 2 new pro x-theme licenses because my site right now has the old developer’s license, is that why it was never automatically updated? Why have I never received a notification to update x-theme? Will I in the future or is this something I need to remember to do? I"m just really surprised I’m running such an old version!
Where do I go on my site to put in the information about my new license?
When I purchased the licenses, it took me to a page where I can enter in the staging site and site for each, is that a requirement for them to work?
1- You need to follow these instructions. For your case, I suggest that you use the manual update as your current version is very old.
2- Yes, if you do not have the theme validated you will not get any automatic updates. For your case, please update the theme to the latest version first, and then you will be able to validate the theme and you will get automatic update notifications.
3- You first need to go to your Themeco Dashboard and download the latest version of the Pro theme and update the theme manually as mentioned in step 1. Then you will be able to go to Pro > Validation menu to validate the product. You can read more about validation here.
4- It is required that you add the production website URL on the licenses page. You can leave the staging option blank if you do not have one, but if you have a staging website you can add the URL of the staging website there and you will be able to use the theme at the same time for both production and staging websites.
Ok so I manually updated the theme on a staging site: frontendstage.wpengine.com
You’ll have to enter this temporary login:
UN: frontendstage PW: teatea
And it gave me an error message:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator, because the name is already in use in /nas/content/live/frontendstage/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/classic/builder/class-shortcode-generator.php on line 2585
Also, when anyone responds to this thread, I don’t receive a notification, I have to just keep checking back which is taking a long time to make progress on this. How do I make sure to receive notifications?
Regarding the error, that usually happens if Cornerstone is active on a site. If not, there could have been a corruption somewhere during the manual update process. Would you mind completely uninstalling Pro and if you’ve installed Cornerstone, uninstall it too.
Then, reinstall Pro again via Themes Upload feature of WordPress.
If that doesn’t help, please give us the following information in a Secure Note. Please do not share sensitive information publicly especially login credentials.
WordPress Staging Login URL
Admin Level Username and Password
Staging SFTP access (if you’re not sure about this, ask your web host).
Regarding the notification, here in Apex, please go to Account > Profile > Preferences > Email and ensure that Send me an email when someone messages me is checked.
If it’s checked, please search your email spam folder.
Ok I will try that. But I’m not sure you understood one of my questions.
My site was designed in 2017 with Pro, using a child theme to customize it. What’s happening now is that we’re updating Pro. So I already have customization. So I’m wondering if I need to download anything new for the child theme, since I’m downloading the new version of pro. The version of the child theme I have is: Version:
Also, you told me to reinstall Pro via Themes Upload feature of WordPress, but we were told earlier in this thread to do a manual update so we did using FTP by replacing the Pro folder within this location: wp-content/themes/pro
So maybe should we not have done what we were asked to do? Now we don’t even have access to the back end, but we can restore the site to a backup and try to do what you asked us to do instead of manual update
Also, I don’t understand why we would need to delete the pagebuilder (Cornerstone)?
I’m just confused about why you would include include something in the update that needs to then be deleted for the site to work. Isn’t that themeco’s WordPress pagebuilder that comes with the theme?
Also, per getting notifications: what email is it coming from so I can set up a whitelist rule to make sure I receive it? Because I had that box checked already AND I had already looked at my Spam folder and couldn’t find any emails. I looked for “Apex” but I’m not sure what email to look for…
Sorry for all the confusions, I’ll try to clear things up first.
No, you do not need to download or install a new child theme, but you might update the custom functions and other custom files you have on your child theme, or not (we don’t know this yet) so please don’t mind this for now.
Yes, child theme version remains at version: 1.0.0 unless you or your developer change it (not necessary)
That’s the same manual upload/update, the advantage of the FTP upload though is you can keep the old version by renaming the folder. While the Wordpress Upload feature requires you to delete the old version first (but more reliable upload).
That’s necessary because you might have an corrupted file on your FTP upload or its a conflict with the old version, hence you’re getting this error (Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator)
Yes, that’s our native page builder. In PRO that is built-in, so you don’t need to install the plugin, you only need the Cornerstone plugin if you’re using X, hope that make sense.
Now that you mention this, I think this is the real cause of this error (Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Shortcode_Generator). Do not install or enable Cornerstone when you’re using PRO.
Please whitelist an email with Themeco in it.
Ok let’s focus to your site now, I see that your staging site is up to date now (Wordpress and Pro), do you experience any issues? please give details of the issue, and provide us login credentials in a secure note so we can take a closer look immediately.
And if you don’t mind, please write those issues on a new thread because this one is getting longer and hard to follow.