My footer does weird things

Hi! We had problems with the footer and you helped us to solve it here: Footer menu has disappeared but now in small phones it does weird things (I share with you a screenshoot)

we have this configuration in the footer:

Its the same that we use in big phones but it doesnt work well.

Can you help us? Thanks!

Hi @educainventions,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that the mentioned section is taking too much time to load and during this, it looks like that.
I have tried to check the same on my phone and worked through properly.

Also try by disabling temporarily all optimizations like CSS / JS minification and concatenation, caching, etc.
You can try to troubleshoot on very few more common issues like :

  1. CSS/JS Customization

  2. Plugin Conflict

  3. Disablling Cache

Hope this helps.


Please, look your screenshot in more depth: it’s NOT working in your phone either.

Menu and WPML bar are one above the other!

We don’t know what else can we do.

It’s very weird!!!

May you take a look? :slight_smile:



Hi @educainventions,

The yellow section in the screenshot is the reason of confusions.

To get rid of this issue, you need to increase the top margin of that section.
Example code will help you to achieve it. Go to Theme Options > CSS and paste the code.

    .wpml-ls-legacy-list-horizontal.wpml-ls-statics-footer {
        margin-top: 60px ;

The above code will work if copied as it is and doesn’t

conflict with any existing code.
Please note that the code provided serves only as a guide to help you get started custom coding on your own if there’s no option offered in our theme or the products we bundle.
We do not provide support for custom codes that means we can’t fix it in case it conflicts with something in your site nor will we enhance it.

Hope it resolves your issue.


After testing your solution through CSS, it has not worked, I leave you a video

Hey @educainventions,

Would you mind providing your phone model, and the name and version of the Operating System and browser. That’s because I can’t replicate the blank part in any of my phones.

Please also detail the issues. Simply saying “weird things” doesn’t help us understand what you’re talking about.

The only issue that I clearly see on my end is the text getting cut-off on the right.


That’s because you’ve set the Container’s Self Flex to Fill Space Equally. Set it to Standard. I’d recommend that you review the Flexbox documentation for this.

Hope that helps.

Xiaomi Mi A3 - Android 10 (Android One)

The footer appear and dissappear and stretches when it wants, weird things haha, you have this video to understand it

By the way your tip not works the footer does the same weird things

Hi @educainventions,

Thank you for the screencast, I can replicate the issue of jumping back on the ¿Por qué funciona? section, but not the issue of footer covered by a yellow background. Regardless these issues seem to be caused by a JS script and not a simple CSS as I see a JS error on your site.

Please clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache), then do a Testing for Plugin Conflict. Please try removing all your custom script.


Hi! thanks for reply! I have been cleaning the cache of the server and website and it still not works can you check it on our website as editor? If you can do this just tell me and I’ll share with you the credentials.


Hi @educainventions,

I notice the changing of slides in the Slider and the weird jumping to ¿Por qué funciona? section is happening simultaneously, so the Slider’s slide must have something to do with this weird issue, but this is not a common issue in fact this is the first time I see it so there must be another variable at play causing this issue to happen. Please clear your cache first and then do Plugin Conflict.


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