Modern Sliders Logo Carousel - Colour Changes


There are a number of issues with Modern Sliders which are making it difficult to use. We’ve come across a new issue yesterday which we’ve been unable to solve.

The logos (JSON) are sometimes changing colour and this appears to be a random thing. When using a few logos, they appear okay - as soon as we start to build up numbers, adding a new logo makes one or more of the logos change colour. We’ve tested every logo out as an individual file, however, depending on the logo we add (sometimes), the logos affected actually change to a similar/same colour. This has baffled us.

We have tried a variety of ways converting the logo files and even stripped out much of the detail to keep some of the files smaller - one of the logos in the code sent to you was stripped back (the brand with the letter M) because the original logo is ‘metallic’ and SVG file size was significant.

The other issues with the slider is the sheer time it takes to navigate within the GUI, having to let things go around again and again (as using click or drag or stopping the animation makes it go back to the first logo when editing). This adds a long time to the development timeframes.

Finally, there needs to be some form of documentation for the sliders - in detail. It is possible to pick up information from your YouTube tutorials, the Modern Slider Tutorials and the original Slider Tutorials, however it is all over the place and not comprehensive.

We’ve only used one of the modern slider templates to-date, however, the use of JSON files needs to be clearly explained to users - there are a several posts on this forum which give a good ‘approximate’ answer on how to do things, but nothing which has been put together to help users.

We’ve built on this, adding our own notes, however, it appears to be designed for users who are very comfortable with JSON conversions and who have significant experience in knowing how best to convert for purpose. The process of conversion is very much hit and miss. Sometimes Exporting from ai, sometimes finding logos on the web which have already been done and sometimes (not always) optimising the SVG files give the best results. The best solution we have found (still not great) is the tool which allows you to upload the SVG and optimise. The problem here is that the workflow then needs to move to a Text Editor to strip out the unecessary JSON code (height / width - although it sometimes does not need removing) and changing the / and " to / and /" respectively.

All of this is a real headache and Themeco could help by providing a detailed process for users to follow, including the optimal and suggested way of converting SVG files.

We have a couple of logos which converted at around 800Mb - that’s huge and many times bigger than the original SVG file. Some logos really slow down the process completely and even the SVG logos which are small in size (on JSON conversion) can stretch to 20 to 150 pages long (of text) and then things grind to a halt.

Please can you let us know why we are having issues with colours? Why this is random? What is the fix? And, is using JSON really a sensible way of putting 20 logos into a slider? Does this have file size/ page loading speed / SEO benefits? Or is it simply a solution which is good for up to 10 logos which are relatively simple. Bear in mind that anything which looks metallic, has gradients, shadows etc makes SVG JSON code rather bulky,

Thanks for the great product - at the moment it doesn’t appear to work as effectively or efficiently as it is marketed to be - it’s a real coders paradise, but less useful for rapid web development for clients.

I will have to put code in separate post as it exceeds the character limit of the forum.

Code for above post - split into TWO EXTRA POSTS due to size of code. Forum won’t allow TXT files to upload:


Here is an example, The Mercedes, Adobe and TetraTech logos within this JSON text have changed colours.

“company” : “Le Mans”,
“svg” : “<svg xmlns=“” viewBox=“0 0 2496.24 1616.94”><path d=“M121.22 1209.23h1101.4c38.43 0 56.62-14.38 66.89-51 12-43.43 24.65-86.85 37-130.27 3.52-12 6.45-24.06 10.86-39.61-12.33-.88-22.3-2.35-32.57-2.35H586.83c-8.5 0-17 .59-25.52-.58-7.92-1.18-15.84-4.11-22-5.87-5.86-13.5-3.81-23.47 2.35-32.86 5.58-8.22 11.15-16.43 16.73-24.35 54-76.29 114.71-147 183.37-210.37 56-51.63 113-102.1 169.87-152.56 51.05-45.18 106.21-86.26 149.93-140 70.41-86.84 78.33-179 26.11-270.8-30.52-54-79.51-86.85-135.26-110.32-46.66-19.36-94.77-33.45-145.53-34.62-49.91-1.16-99.75-2.35-149.63-.29-49.58 2.05-96.53 17.6-143.47 33.74C448.06 60 387.03 92.28 330.7 132.76c-6.45 4.7-11.73 11.15-20 19.08 29.63 46.64 57.51 90.36 86.55 136.13 10.27-3.81 18.78-6.45 26.7-10 42.25-19.07 83.62-41.66 127-57.21 54.28-19.36 110-34.91 169.29-24.35 25.82 4.7 51 10.86 72.76 26.7 32 23.18 42.25 61.91 24.94 97.7-12.82 26.7-34.24 46.7-56.83 64.57-91.54 74.23-186.89 143.47-273.14 224.13-78 73.05-152.27 148.75-218.28 232.66-65.43 83-120.3 172.22-157 271.68-9.68 26.12-16.43 53.4-23.47 76.29 7 20.24 20 19.07 32 19.07Zm2200.16-675.1c-42.25-10-85.38-9.68-128.51-8.8-50.17.88-97.7 12-143.47 31.68-6.75 2.94-13.79 5-20.83 7.63-2-1.17-3.81-2.64-5.87-3.81 50.17-184.84 103.86-368.8 155.21-553.93-11.44-9.39-21.42-7-31.1-5.28a672.87 672.87 0 0 0-137 42c-37.55 16.14-73.34 35.5-110 53.69-14.08 7-22.3 18.49-26.4 33.74-8.22 31.4-17.61 62.5-26.41 93.6-20.54 71-41.37 142-61.32 213.29-22.63 80.64-44.63 161.57-66.93 242.57-7.92 28.46-15.85 56.63-23.47 83 7 13.2 17 13.5 27.28 13.5 25.53 0 50.76 0 76.28.29 7.34 0 14.67 1.47 24.06 2.35-2.35 11.15-3.52 19.36-5.87 27.28-12.91 45.48-25.81 91-39.31 136.14-8.8 29-27 42.54-57.21 43.71-10.56.3-21.13-.58-31.69-.58h-56c-20.53 72.17-40.49 141.71-59.85 209.77 6.75 11.15 15.26 13.5 24.94 13.5 64.84 0 130 .29 194.81-.29 31.4-.3 49-15.55 57.8-46.07q49.29-173 98.29-345.61c10.56-36.39 31.1-66 61.32-89.2 26.7-20.53 57.8-29.92 90.07-33.74 34.62-4.1 69.24-3.81 102.39 9.1 36.09 14.08 53.4 45.47 47 82.74-2.06 11.14-3.82 22.29-7 33.15-31.69 112.37-64 225-95.65 337.4-3.82 13.5-7 27-10 38.44 6.75 12.91 16.43 13.79 26.7 13.79h188.65c21.72 0 29.93-7.34 36.09-28.17 27.87-98.29 56.33-196.28 83.62-294.57 11.15-40.49 24.64-80.68 24.35-123.81-.59-44.3-5.28-87.14-27-126.75-33.16-58.67-86-87.43-147.87-101.8Z”/><path d=“M1012.84 762.39c6.75 18.19 18.19 14.08 27.29 14.08 102.39.29 204.49-.59 306.89.59 34.32.29 55.74-18.78 63.37-46.95 15-55.74 32.27-110.9 48.41-166.35 14.67-51.34 28.75-103 43.13-155.21-3.82-3.52-7-6.45-10.86-10-5.28 2.93-9.68 5-13.79 7.63-43.71 28.16-88 56-131.14 85.08-87.43 59.27-173.4 121.17-252.32 191.59-28.17 25.82-54.28 53.4-81 79.51Zm167.82 558.91c-16.72-.58-29.92 5.58-42 16.73a8037.467 8037.467 0 0 1-72.47 68.06c-21.12 19.37-42.54 38.44-66 59.56-5.29-8.51-9.39-15-12.91-21.71-16.43-32-32.28-64.25-48.71-96.23-5.28-10.56-9.39-24.35-23.17-25.23-22.3-1.47-44.6-.3-68.37-.3-27 96.53-53.69 191-81 288.7 28.16 2.94 52.22 3.52 77.45-.29 16.73-59 33.45-116.77 51.35-179.27 30.51 42.55 43.42 90.08 71.29 127.34 22.89 3.23 26.41 1.46 44.6-15.55q53.25-49.74 107.09-99.17c3.22-2.93 7.33-4.69 11.15-7a31 31 0 0 1 3.22 2.35c-15.55 56-31.1 111.78-47.23 170.75 27 4.7 51 1.76 76.57 2.94 27.29-97.12 54.28-193.06 82.15-291.93-24.06.59-43.71 1.17-63.08.29Zm757.84 1.47c-21.71 61.61-33.15 125.87-57.51 189.82-5.57-7.92-8.8-11.44-11.44-15.55-30.22-47.52-60.14-95.35-90.36-142.88-7-11.15-15.26-21.42-22.3-31.1h-74.52c-27.58 95.65-55.16 190.12-80.69 288.41h75.41c21.41-61.61 33.15-125.87 57.79-191.29 42.25 66.89 81.57 129.38 120.59 191.29h77.75c27.28-96.23 54-191.29 81.56-288.7Zm197.75 60.44c32.86-2.35 66.3-3.52 99.16-2.64 29.93.88 59.86 5.57 92.72 8.8 5-18.19 10.26-36.67 16.13-58.09-27-3.82-50.17-8.22-73.93-10.56-49.29-5-98.29-5.58-147.58 1.46-43.13 6.16-71 29.34-85.08 71.59-19.07 57.21 2 80.1 51.63 93.3a81.47 81.47 0 0 0 8.22 1.47c39.9 4.4 79.8 8.5 119.7 13.2 9.68 1.17 19.66 2.93 28.76 6.16 11.14 4.11 14.08 12.91 10.26 24.06-4.69 13.2-15.25 17-27.87 19.07-46.65 7.92-92.71 3.23-139.07-2.64-25.82-3.23-51.34-8.22-80.68-12.91-5.57 20.54-10.86 39.61-17.31 62.79 37 5.28 70.12 10.85 103.27 14.67a636.77 636.77 0 0 0 147.58-.59c68.66-8.22 93.89-62.79 91.25-114.13-1.18-21.13-10.57-37.26-30.22-44.3a274.4 274.4 0 0 0-53.11-12.91c-39-5.28-78.33-8.81-117.35-13.79-8.51-1.18-16.43-5.58-23.77-8.22 1.17-25.82 6.75-34.32 27.29-35.79Zm-1750.39-49q-33.45 117.94-66.6 235.89c-2.35 8.51-1.17 17.9-1.47 23.47 9.68 20.25 24.94 20 39.9 20l233 .88c4.69 0 9.39-1.76 15-2.64 5-19.36 10-37.85 15.55-59-11.15-.59-18.78-1.17-26.11-1.17H429.87c-7.92 0-15.84-1.47-26.7-2.35 5.57-18.78 10.27-34.62 15.55-52.23h168.11c5.87-21.12 11.15-40.48 17.61-63.37-29.93-.29-56.63-.29-83-.58-27.29-.3-54.28 1.17-84.79-1.47 5-17.31 8.8-31.4 13.49-47.82h204.5c6.45-20.84 12-39 18.48-60.15H390.55a78.64 78.64 0 0 0-4.69 10.56Zm1063-12.61c-17-.88-30.21 5.57-40.78 18.19-20.83 25.52-41.66 51.34-62.49 77.16q-55 68.2-109.44 137c-14.37 17.9-28.16 36.38-44.88 58.1h79.21c15.55-19.08 32-39.32 47.24-57.8h163.12c4.7 19.65 9.39 37.84 14.09 57.21 24.94 2.35 48.41 3.23 74.23-.59-21.71-96.82-42.84-191.29-64.84-289.28-20.54 0-37.85.88-55.45 0Zm-75.14 164.91c21.41-32.56 45.47-57.8 66.6-85.37 1.76.29 3.81.58 5.57.88 6.46 27 12.62 53.69 19.66 84.2-30.81 2.35-59 1.47-91.83.29Zm-1261.3 64.55c-7.92 0-15.85-1.47-26.12-2.64 21.42-76.58 42-149.93 63.08-225.91-28.16-.88-53.1-2.64-78 .88-21.41 75.66-41.99 148.72-62.53 221.77-2.94 10.86-6.75 21.71-8.22 32.57-3.22 22.59 5.87 33.15 28.46 34.91 4.11.3 8.51.3 12.62.3h209.48c7.63 0 15.26-1.18 22.59-1.77 8.22-19.36 14.09-37.55 15.85-59.26-10-.59-17.61-1.17-25.24-1.17-50.46.29-101.22.29-152 .29Z”/></svg>”,
“height” : “1em”,
“positionTop” : “0em”
“company” : “Mercedes”,
“svg” : “<svg xmlns=“” viewBox=“0 0 557.06 275.96”>.a{fill:#1d1d1b;fill-rule:evenodd}</style></defs><path class=“a” d=“M12.38 219.78c3.53 9.78 16.34 44 19.35 53.23h1.35c3.57-10.47 15.68-42.67 19.53-53 0 .67.73 46.63.72 47.27 0 4.25-1.36 5.24-7.5 5.6V275c10.64-.85 12-.86 22.69 0v-2.17c-6.42-.36-7.51-1.26-7.51-6l-.9-44.47c-.6-4.17 1-5.61 7.41-6.06v-2.17a74.8 74.8 0 0 1-15.82-.09l-17 45.74-16.8-45.7a75.61 75.61 0 0 1-16 .09v2.26c4.65.15 8.13.92 7.41 6L7.5 266.87c-.27 4.79-1.17 5.51-7.5 6V275a85.85 85.85 0 0 1 18 0v-2.17c-6.24-.45-7.41-1.26-7.41-5.24-.05-.86 1.8-47 1.8-47.81Zm93.28 41c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.69 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.54-6.14-1.72-12.92h26.85c.77-29.75-35.14-27-34.17.9-2.16 24.66 31 31.48 34.26 7.5Zm-23.23-11.63c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.44 0Zm33-14.82c6.32.09 6.41.27 6.41 5.87v28.11c0 3.89-1 4.61-6.5 4.88V275a89.54 89.54 0 0 1 20.24 0v-1.81c-5.51-.27-6.51-1-6.51-4.88.61-7.92-3.06-33.75 7.78-33.53 6.16.45-1.54 7.35 6 7.86 2.35 0 3.8-1.71 3.8-4.33-.61-10.7-15.84-8.83-18.44.9a54.45 54.45 0 0 0-.81-8.59 59.84 59.84 0 0 1-11.93 2.17v1.54Zm66.34-4.16h-1.63l-2.35 4.61c-12.42-10.55-27.82 1.8-27.11 19-2.09 23.22 29.36 31.69 32 7.05h-3.61c-2.94 19.74-22.41 13.95-20.52-7.14-1.69-22.07 17.42-27.83 21.24-8.59h2v-14.93Zm39 30.64c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.7 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.53-6.14-1.71-12.92h26.84c.78-29.75-35.14-27-34.16.9-2.17 24.66 31 31.48 34.25 7.5Zm-23.27-11.66c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.43 0Zm75 22.6c-6.06-.18-6.6-.72-6.6-6.15v-52.15a77.31 77.31 0 0 1-13.65 2.35v1.63c5.7 0 6.42.63 6.42 5.24v15.91c-9.93-16.1-28.32-2.9-27.3 15.09-1.27 18.39 18.69 31.12 28 14.73a33.14 33.14 0 0 0 1.18 7.24c3.7-1.18 5.6-1.54 11.93-2.35v-1.54Zm-23.86-37.69c13-2.55 14.07 41.08.36 39.23-13.29 2.25-13.5-41.41-.34-39.23Zm59.74 26.75c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.69 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.54-6.14-1.72-12.92h26.85c.77-29.75-35.14-27-34.17.9-2.16 24.66 31 31.48 34.26 7.5Zm-23.23-11.66c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.44 0Zm35.07 26.67h1.54l2.17-4c16.07 13.18 38.74-10.62 16.2-20.5-6.33-2.8-7.05-3.07-8.32-3.71-16.74-10.06 12.13-23.51 12.93-3.16h2v-14h-1.54l-1.53 3.71c-15.38-11.26-34.59 11.37-14.11 20 5.61 2.62 8.59 4 8.68 4.07 17.2 10.89-13.42 25.09-16 2.53h-2v15.1ZM354 252.59h23.23v-4.07H354v4.07Zm26.12-38.15v2.17c6.51.45 7.41 1.18 7.41 6.06v43.84c0 4.88-.72 5.51-7.41 6.05v2.17c8.65-.63 30.42 2 37-3.16 11.43-7.07 9.66-27.08-5.24-29 11.33-3.53 12.92-18.08 4.52-24.85-5.9-5.55-28.33-2.53-36.25-3.26Zm15 27.39v-24.59c9.33-.38 19.2-.74 18.52 12.12.18 12.32-8.1 13-18.52 12.47Zm0 2.8c5 .14 15.3-.94 18.16 3 7.58 10.76 2.29 26.57-12.65 24.31-4.7 0-5.51-.72-5.51-4.61v-22.7Zm68.15 16.18c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.7 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.53-6.14-1.71-12.92h26.84c.78-29.75-35.14-27-34.16.9-2.17 24.66 31 31.48 34.25 7.5ZM440 249.15c.61-20.6 19.63-21.29 19.43 0Zm33.08-14.37c4.92 0 6.77-.18 6.42 5.6v27.93c0 3.89-.91 4.61-6.51 4.88V275a84.07 84.07 0 0 1 19.61 0v-1.81c-4.7-.18-5.87-1.08-5.87-4.7v-21.78c-.27-7 3-11 9.4-11.39 6.57.37 8.14 4 8 11v22.14c0 3.62-1.17 4.52-6 4.7V275a84.84 84.84 0 0 1 19.7 0v-1.81c-5.51-.27-6.51-1-6.51-4.88v-21.69c1.85-15.33-17.76-21.1-25.39-8.31a42.06 42.06 0 0 0-1-7.87 54.27 54.27 0 0 1-11.93 2.71v1.63Zm49.8 40H554l2.35-13h-1.9c-3.63 13.36-10.81 10.45-22 10.67l24.58-40.31h-30L525 243.82h1.9c3.65-12.84 11.35-8.78 20.52-9.4ZM279.13 179c-50 0-90.47-40.09-90.47-89.5S229.18 0 279.13 0s90.51 40.07 90.51 89.48S329.12 179 279.13 179Zm-74.2-46.57 1.62-1.26a104.49 104.49 0 0 1-8.55-20.66 4 4 0 0 0-.5-1.05 2.59 2.59 0 0 0 0 1.08 97 97 0 0 0 7.45 21.87ZM280.39 8.89l12.3 71.57L279.83 88l-.43-79.09c0-1-.63-1-.77 0l-7.26 75-5.37-3.12 11.53-71.88a80.37 80.37 0 0 0-80.21 80.7c0 14 4.41 28.8 10.76 40.3l56.47-47 5.45 3.15-63.4 45.56c-1.53 1.08-1.08 91.39v14.72l-68.39 26.09c14.31 23.38 39.68 38.28 69.29 38.28s55.35-14.92 69.66-38.25l-68.26-26.08V91.44l68.1 39.28c1.56.85 2 .38.54-.65l-60.63-44 5.42-3.1 56.43 47a85.8 85.8 0 0 0 10.75-40.5c0-43.9-36.49-79.4-80.52-80.59Zm84.91 64.39a3.67 3.67 0 0 0 .49 1 2.32 2.32 0 0 0 0-1.08c-7.44-40.67-42.72-71.07-86.48-71.07a88.61 88.61 0 0 0-88.6 88.67c0 11.56 2.95 22.59 6.95 32.69a150.69 150.69 0 0 0 9.18 17.37 3.32 3.32 0 0 0 .81.94 2.65 2.65 0 0 0-.27-1.14c-.25-.43-5.27-10-8.17-17.1-2.47-6.12-5.55-18.32-5.55-32.45a86.06 86.06 0 0 1 86-86c24.84 0 48.19 12.15 62.5 27.85 10.87 11.93 16.49 19.94 23.11 40.32ZM207.72 132.9l-2 .72c12.71 24.3 39.37 42 73.37 42 48.24 0 86.8-39 86.8-86.1 0-11.52-3.33-18.59-5.2-23.69a110.7 110.7 0 0 0-5.62-12.11 3 3 0 0 0-.81-1 2.08 2.08 0 0 0 .31 1.15 91 91 0 0 1 4.9 12.13A75.16 75.16 0 0 1 363 89.48c0 14.69-4.61 29.72-11.4 41.69.38 1 0 1.48-1.13 1.8a83.64 83.64 0 0 1-71.34 39.44c-28.26 0-50.85-15.14-58-23-5.81-6.41-10.13-11.13-13.41-16.51Zm66.93-47.07 3.74 2.17.47-58c0-1.17-.36-1.22-.45-.05l-3.76 55.93Zm6.53 4.39 50.24 29.41c.9.52 88l-3.82 2.2Zm-7.65-2-12.63 10.3c-.69.59-.”/></svg>”,
“height” : “1em”,
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“company” : “Coop”,
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Part 2 of 2 code:


“company” : “Rentokil”,
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“company” : “GE Capital”,
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11.5-30 19.3 0-1.6.3-5.8 1.4-11.3 4.5-4.8 10.6-12.1 10.6-17.7 0-2.6-1.5-4.8-4.5-4.8-7.5 0-13.1 11.2-14.5 19-3.4 4.1-10.1 9.3-15.7 9.3-4.5 0-6-4.1-6.3-5.6 14.2-4.9 31.7-24.3 31.7-41.8 0-3.7-1.5-11.9-12.7-11.9-16.8 0-31 25-31 44.4-6 0-8.2-6.3-8.2-11.2 0-4.8 1.9-9.7 1.9-11.2s-.7-3.4-3-3.4c-5.6 0-9 7.5-9 16 .4 11.9 8.2 19.4 18.7 20.2 1.5 7.1 7.8 13.8 15.7 13.8 4.9 0 10.8-1.5 14.9-5.2-.4 2.6-.8 4.9-1.1 7.1-16.4 8.6-28.4 14.6-39.2 24.3-8.6 7.8-13.4 18.3-13.4 26.5 0 11.2 7.1 21.6 21.6 21.6 17.2 0 30.2-13.8 36.6-32.8 3-9 4.2-22 4.9-33.9 17.2-9.7 25.3-15.3 34.2-21.7 1.1 1.9 2.2 3.4 3.7 4.5-7.8 4.1-26.5 15.7-26.5 42.9 0 19.4 13.1 41 38.8 41 21.3 0 35.8-17.5 35.8-34.3.1-15.3-8.5-29.4-24.9-29.4zm64.2 32c-.1.1-.3.3-.7.1-.3-.1-.4-.3-.4-.5s4.5-13.5 4.5-28.7c-.1-16.4-6.7-26.5-15.3-26.5-5.2 0-9 3.7-9 9.3 0 10.1 12.3 10.8 12.3 32.8 0 9-1.9 17.5-4.8 26.9-13.8 46.6-57.8 68.3-100.8 68.3-19.8 0-33.8-4.1-38-6-.2-.1-.3-.4-.2-.7.1-.3.4-.4.5-.4 1.7.7 13.8 4.5 28.7 4.5 16.4 0 26.1-6.7 26.1-14.9 0-5.2-4.1-9.3-9.3-9.3-10.1 0-10.8 12.7-32.5 12.7-9.3 0-17.5-1.9-27.2-4.8-46.2-14.2-68.3-57.9-68.3-101.2 0-21.1 5.9-37.9 6-38 .1-.1.3-.2.7-. 1.7-4.5 13.8-4.5 28.7 0 16.4 6.7 26.1 15.3 26.1 4.8 0 9-3.7 9-9 0-10.1-12.3-11.2-12.3-32.8 0-9.3 1.9-17.5 4.9-27.2 14.2-46.3 57.8-68 100.8-68.3 19.9-.2 37.4 5.8 38.1 0-11.6-4.8-28.7-4.8-16 0-26.1 6.7-26.1 15.3 0 4.9 3.7 9 9.3 9 10.1 0 10.8-12.3 32.5-12.3 9.3 0 17.5 1.9 27.2 4.9 46.6 14.2 67.9 58.2 68.3 100.7.1 21.7-6.1 38.2-6.1 38.3zM134.7 6.3C63.8 6.3 6.3 63.8 6.3 134.7s57.5 128.4 128.4 128.4 128.4-57.5 128.4-128.4c0-70.5-57.5-128.4-128.4-128.4zm0 263.1C60.4 269.4 0 209.3 0 134.7 0 60.5 60.4 0 134.7 0 209 0 269.4 60.4 269.4 134.7c0 74.6-60.4 134.7-134.7 134.7” style=“fill:#3b73b9”/></g></switch></svg>”,
“height” : “1em”,
“positionTop” : “0em”
“company” : “Xerox”,
“svg” : “<svg xmlns=“” viewBox=“0 0 1000 218.7” style=“enable-background:new 0 0 1000 218.7” xml:space=“preserve”><path d=“M684.2 0c-64.6 0-107.6 48.1-107.6 109.3 0 64.7 43.5 109.2 107.6 109.2 62.8 0 107.3-46.5 107.3-109.3C791.5 46.5 747 0 684.2 0zm-368 .2c-20.5 0-46.5 7.1-65.6 22.8-22.8 18.8-40.5 48.1-40.5 87.6 0 34 11 61.5 30.9 80 19.5 18.2 47 28.1 81.2 28.1 27.5 0 60.7-10.4 75-19.2 5-3.1 6.6-4.4 5.3-9.4l-8.9-25.2c-1-4.1-5.6-5.2-9.3-3.3-6.3 3.1-10.9 5.5-17.3 7.8-12.3 4.6-25.1 7.7-37.2 7.7-25.5 0-40.1-6.9-51.2-19.8-7.1-8.1-11.2-18.5-12.5-30.4h141c5.1 0 7.4-3.5 7.4-9.5v-10.2c0-4.9-.2-12.7-.6-17.4-2.6-28.4-13-51.2-30.5-66.7C366.6 8.2 344 .2 316.2.2zM546 .4c-40.7 0-65.6 9.3-81.5 29.9-12.2 15.8-14.4 33.4-14.4 71.2V205c.6 7.4 3.5 10.8 10.4 10.8h32.2c7.4 0 10.5-3.9 10.5-10.8V99.5c0-23.8.3-37 8.7-46 7.2-7.7 16.8-12.8 37.1-12.8 4 0 13.6 1.1 17 1.5 1.3.2 2.3.3 2.8.3 3.5 0 4.7-1.3 5.8-5.7l4.8-23.7c.9-4.9.1-8.7-4.7-9.8C567.3 1.4 555.6.4 546 .4zM11.9 3.2c-3.5 0-6 2.8-4.6 7.5 9.6 31.4 33.9 68.6 59.2 99.1-32.2 29-54.7 67.5-65.9 98.5-1.7 4.6.9 7.5 3.5 7.5h38c5.5 0 8-1.9 10.5-7.5 10.3-22.7 25.5-48.8 45.5-70 18.3 17.6 34.3 44.5 44.6 70 2.9 7.1 6.2 7.5 10.5 7.5h41.4c7.9 0 8.6-4.3 7.2-8-15.8-41.6-49.4-84.1-68.3-102 17.3-18.5 48.8-54.3 62.5-95.1 2-6-1.7-7.5-4.8-7.5h-34.7c-4.2 0-7 1.5-10.1 7.5-18.7 35.2-35.5 55.9-42.7 63.4-11.6-13.5-26.6-37.9-37.5-63.4-2.4-5.5-4.9-7.5-9.7-7.5H11.9zm797.8 0c-3.5 0-6 2.8-4.6 7.5 9.6 31.4 33.9 68.6 59.2 99.1-32.2 29-54.6 67.5-65.9 98.5-1.7 4.6.9 7.5 3.5 7.5h37.9c5.5 0 8-1.9 10.5-7.5 10.3-22.7 25.5-48.8 45.5-70 18.3 17.6 34.3 44.5 44.6 70 2.9 7.1 6.2 7.5 10.5 7.5h41.4c7.9 0 8.6-4.3 7.2-8-15.8-41.6-49.4-84.1-68.3-102 17.3-18.5 48.8-54.3 62.5-95.1 2-6-1.7-7.5-4.8-7.5h-34.6c-4.2 0-7 1.5-10.1 7.5-18.7 35.2-35.5 55.9-42.7 63.4C890 60.6 875 36.2 864 10.7c-2.4-5.5-4.9-7.5-9.7-7.5h-44.6zM684.2 40c37.6 0 51.8 32.6 51.8 69.2 0 36.7-14.2 69.3-51.8 69.3-37.7 0-52.2-32.6-52.2-69.3.1-36.6 14.6-69.2 52.2-69.2zm-366.3.2c28.2 0 45.4 19.1 45.4 47.5V89H266c1-7.1 3.1-13.8 6.2-20.1 8.7-17.5 25.2-28.7 45.7-28.7z” style=“fill:#d40e2a”/></g></switch></svg>”,
“height” : “0.7em”,
“positionTop” : “0em”
“company” : “Warner Bros”,
“svg” : “<svg version=“1.1” id=“Layer_1” xmlns=“” viewBox=“0 0 468.3 544.9” style=“enable-background:new 0 0 468.3 544.9” xml:space=“preserve”>.st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#1d1d1b}</style><path class=“st0” d=“M397.5 190.5c5.5-30.7-15-54.9-38.8-72.4C325.4 93.6 287.8 79 249 67.7v405.2c17.2-15 34.4-31.8 50.8-49 35.1-38.8 67.7-78.3 81.2-125.8 5.5-21.6 2.6-46.1-15.7-60.7 15.7-12.5 30-27.9 32.2-46.9zm-67 140.1c-12.1 21.9-28.5 42.1-47.9 60.7l-.4-115.9c13.2-9.5 26.7-17.9 43.2-19.4 6.6 0 12.4 2.2 16.8 7.3 14.7 23-2.5 47.2-11.7 67.3zm33.3-149.2c-3.3 18.3-23.4 28.9-37.7 36.6-14.3 7.3-28.9 13.2-43.9 18.6V118.1c23 6.9 43.9 18.7 63.6 32.5 9.2 7.7 21.7 17.3 18 30.8zM219 469.9V66.2L186.5 83v216.5c-1.5 6.2 2.9 15.7-4 18.6-1.8.4-3.3-.4-4-1.8-13.9-52.3-19.7-107.5-22.3-164.2l-1.1-49.4-31.1 23V139c1.8 52.3 5.5 103.5 15.4 152.5L127 305.4c-4.8-6.6-7.7-13.5-11-20.5-15.7-41.7-21.6-87.4-23.8-134.6L65 170.4c2.6 71.7 16.1 139.3 59.6 193.1 8.4-9.5 16.8-19.4 25.2-28.5 4.4 19.4 10.6 38 17.9 56.3 12.2 28.2 25.7 56.7 51.3 78.6z”/><path class=“st0” d=“m468 119.2-48.6-12.1-8.8-32.9-49.7-11.7-10.2-35.8L233.3 0 118.1 26.7l-10.2 35.8-49.8 11.7c-3.3 11.3-6.2 22.3-9.1 33.3L.3 119.2C-3.3 222.7 25.2 313.8 76.7 395c37.7 58.1 94.4 119.6 156.5 149.9 42.1-20.1 79.4-53.8 113-91.4 81.6-94.4 126.2-204.8 121.8-334.3zM324.7 432.3c-26.7 30-56.7 59.6-90.3 76.8-32.2-16.1-60.3-43.9-85.9-72-66.6-77.9-110.8-164.9-118.1-267-.7-8.4-1.1-16.5-.7-25.2l41.3-9.5 9.5-34 50.8-12.1.4-1.1 9.1-35.1L233 31.5 328 53l9.1 35.8 51.6 12.4 8.8 34 41.7 9.5c-1.1 111.3-45.4 204.5-114.5 287.6z”/></g></switch></svg>”,
“height” : “1em”,
“positionTop” : “0em”

Hello @stuartmurphy,

Thanks for writing in!

When using the SVG code in your JSON, you need to escape the double quotation characters. For example:

    "company"     : "Themeco",
    "svg"         : "<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 4320 504\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><path d=\"M198 0H0v108h198v396h108V108h198V0H306zM1008 198H720V0H612v504h108V306h288v198h108V0h-108zM1224 0h504v108h-504zM1224 198h504v108h-504zM1224 396h504v108h-504zM2214 0h-378v504h108V108h162v396h108V108h162v396h108V0h-108zM2592 0h504v108h-504zM2592 198h504v108h-504zM2592 396h288v108h-288zM2988 396h108v108h-108zM3204 0v504h504V396h-396V108h396V0h-396zM4212 0h-396v504h504V0h-108zm0 396h-288V108h288v288z\"\/><\/svg>",
    "height"      : "0.5em",
    "positionTop" : "0.25em"

Or you can just simply use single quotes for the JSON, while having the double quotes in your SVG code like this:

    'company'     : 'Themeco',
    'svg'         : '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 572.6 254" style="enable-background:new 0 0 572.6 254" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M79.2 52.1V29.8c0-.3-.4-26.3-32.1-26.3H.2v113.6h22.7V79.8l10.3-.8 28.7 38.1h24.9L56.5 76.9c22.4-4.5 22.7-24.6 22.7-24.8zM22.8 21.8H47c10.6 0 11 7.1 11.1 7.9v22.4c0 .7-.5 7.3-10.9 7.4l-24.4 1.6V21.8zm74 18c-9.7 10.7-9.8 24-9.8 26.6v17c-.1 5.2-.2 19 11.7 28.3 7 5.5 16.7 8.2 29.3 8.2 10.5 0 23.1-1.9 37.9-5.7l-5.1-19.7c-34.6 9-46.1 3.8-49.5 1.2-3.1-2.4-3.8-6-3.9-9.8 6.4.1 18.6-.1 40.2-.4 8.7-.1 13.8-4.4 16.5-7.8 7-8.8 5.4-21.4 4.7-25.1-1.1-9.7-11-26.4-42-25.1-12.8.4-22.9 4.6-30 12.3zm51.6 14.9s1.8 5.2-.3 10.2c0 .1-.4.2-1.2.2-18 .3-33.7.4-39.6.4 0-1.1.4-7.4 4.5-12 3.3-3.6 8.5-5.6 15.7-5.8 14.8-.6 20 4 20.9 7zm379-32.5c6.1 0 11.1-4.9 11.1-11.1 0-6.1-5-11.1-11.1-11.1s-11.1 5-11.1 11.1c.1 6.1 5 11.1 11.1 11.1zM177.6 54.6v62.5h22.7V54.6c0-.8.3-7.6 10.5-7.6h14.7c10 0 10.6 6.6 10.6 7.3v62.8h22.5V54.6c0-.3-.4-27.3-33.1-27.3h-14.7c-32.8 0-33.2 27-33.2 27.3zm373.3-51v113.6h21.7V3.6h-21.7zm-125.7 0v113.6h21.7V3.6h-21.7zm81.3 113.6-34.7-46.1 33-43.7H480l-33 43.7 34.7 46.1h24.8zm32.2 0V27.4h-22.5v89.8h22.5zm-125-37.6V67.7c0-21.9-17.8-39.6-39.7-39.7h-5.2c-21.9 0-39.7 17.8-39.7 39.6v11.9c0 21.9 17.8 39.7 39.7 39.7h5.2c21.9.1 39.7-17.7 39.7-39.6zm-44.9 19.3c-10.6 0-19.3-8.6-19.2-19.3V67.7c0-10.6 8.6-19.2 19.3-19.2h5.2c10.6 0 19.3 8.6 19.3 19.2v11.9c0 10.6-8.6 19.2-19.3 19.2h-5.3zM264.1 45.6h14.6v43.9c0 .3.4 27.2 32.8 27.2H323V98.5h-11c-10.2 0-10.8-8-10.8-8.9V45.7H323V27.1h-21.8V3.5h-22.4V27h-14.6l-.1 18.6z" style="fill:#e20613"/><path d="M92.1 191.2v62.6h22.6l-.1-62.3c0-.3-.4-27.2-33-27.2H67c-32.7 0-33 26.9-33 27.2v62.3h22.6v-62.3c0-.8.3-7.6 10.4-7.6h14.6c9.8.1 10.4 6.6 10.5 7.3zm57.1 62.7v-89.5h-22.4v89.5h22.4zm46.1-89.7v-23.5h-22.4v23.5h-14.6v18.6h14.6v43.9c0 .3.4 27.2 32.8 27.2h11.4v-18.3h-11c-10.2 0-10.8-8-10.8-8.9v-43.9h21.8v-18.6h-21.8zm33.4.2v89.5h22.6l-.1-89.5h-22.5zM340 253.9v-58c0-7.2-2.3-30.5-32.2-30.5h-11.7c-32.1 0-32.5 26.4-32.5 26.7h20.2c0-.3.4-8.5 12.2-8.5h11.7c11 0 11.4 7.5 11.4 8.4v6.4h-26c-31.7 0-32.1 26-32.1 26.2v3c0 .2.4 25.6 32.1 25.6 2.7 0 17-3.1 26-5.2v5.9H340zm-57.9-26.3v-3.2c0-.8.4-7.9 11-7.9h26v13.2c-4.9 1.1-16.9 3.4-26.2 5.2-10.3 0-10.8-6.6-10.8-7.3zM138 157.5c6.1 0 11.1-4.9 11.1-11.1 0-6.1-5-11.1-11.1-11.1s-11.1 5-11.1 11.1c0 6.2 5 11.1 11.1 11.1zm90.9-11c0 6.1 5 11.1 11.1 11.1s11.1-4.9 11.1-11.1c0-6.1-5-11.1-11.1-11.1-6.2 0-11.1 5-11.1 11.1zm145.4-5.8h-21.7V254h21.7V140.7zM0 140.7V254h21.7V140.7H0z" style="fill:#0075be"/></g></switch></svg>',
    'height'      : '0.5em',
    'positionTop' : '0.25em'

Hope this makes sense.

Hi Ruenel,

Thank you for your reply and advice. The issue appears to be that the SVG logos are changing colour - adopting the incorrect colour (only some of them). Please can you advise if this is a bug? Is it something that we are coding incorrectly? Or is there a simple solution?

And, is there a definitive guide available yet so that we don’t have to make our own workflows for doing logo carousels?

Hello @stuartmurphy,

There is an effect added in the Logo Carousel that changes the colors of the Logo. The logo is displayed in black and white and when the slide is active, the actual colors will be displayed. The effect is applied to the Slide element.

If you disable the effect, the original colors of the images or SVGs will be displayed.

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

Thanks for the explanation. I’m aware of this excellent capability, however, this isn’t the issue.

What is happening is that, as described in original post, some logos are changing colour. For example an amazon logo may appear green or pink… That kind of colour change. Removing some logos make colour return to normal however change to a different colour when adding new svg logos. We noticed that the major colour of the final logo often was the colour they it most often changed to. We have read and viewed documentation and tutorials so aware of the grayscale colour changes to give focus to current logo but this isn’t the issue.

Hello @stuartmurphy,

It is best that you share the URL of the page where we can find your Logo Carousel so we can inspect it. If you are hesitant in sharing your URL in public, you can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:

  • Link to the URL of the page OR
    – WP login URL
    – WP username
    – WP password
    – WP Administrator Role
    - Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

Details as requested - just removed all the logos on this test page (it is just a test page at present) and you will recognise the three client brands. One is a automotive company (colour is fine). One is a software company and the other a technology company. If you can MOVE the client brand ‘A’ and swap around with client brand ‘C’ then the colours of the other brand will change - the A brand changes colour to the SAME as the brand C and when you swap them around the brand C colour changes to the brand A colour. We have seen this with multiple logos and also colour changes randomly to strange colours. We have tried creating SVG code online, from Illustrator and other online sources. We can’t work out why this is happening.

Hello @stuartmurphy,

You are experiencing this issue because your Cisco SVG is a modified Adobe SVG code which means that the Cisco SVG code is using the same ID and CSS class selector. As a result, the Cisco color styling is overriding the Adobe SVG code. Take this for example:

The Cisco SVG code should be using Layer_2 ID with the class selector .st1. Therefore, your JSON code will be:

 		"company"			: "Mercedes", 
  	"svg"					: "<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 557.06 275.96\"><defs><style>.a{fill:#1d1d1b;fill-rule:evenodd}<\/style><\/defs><path class=\"a\" d=\"M12.38 219.78c3.53 9.78 16.34 44 19.35 53.23h1.35c3.57-10.47 15.68-42.67 19.53-53 0 .67.73 46.63.72 47.27 0 4.25-1.36 5.24-7.5 5.6V275c10.64-.85 12-.86 22.69 0v-2.17c-6.42-.36-7.51-1.26-7.51-6l-.9-44.47c-.6-4.17 1-5.61 7.41-6.06v-2.17a74.8 74.8 0 0 1-15.82-.09l-17 45.74-16.8-45.7a75.61 75.61 0 0 1-16 .09v2.26c4.65.15 8.13.92 7.41 6L7.5 266.87c-.27 4.79-1.17 5.51-7.5 6V275a85.85 85.85 0 0 1 18 0v-2.17c-6.24-.45-7.41-1.26-7.41-5.24-.05-.86 1.8-47 1.8-47.81Zm93.28 41c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.69 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.54-6.14-1.72-12.92h26.85c.77-29.75-35.14-27-34.17.9-2.16 24.66 31 31.48 34.26 7.5Zm-23.23-11.63c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.44 0Zm33-14.82c6.32.09 6.41.27 6.41 5.87v28.11c0 3.89-1 4.61-6.5 4.88V275a89.54 89.54 0 0 1 20.24 0v-1.81c-5.51-.27-6.51-1-6.51-4.88.61-7.92-3.06-33.75 7.78-33.53 6.16.45-1.54 7.35 6 7.86 2.35 0 3.8-1.71 3.8-4.33-.61-10.7-15.84-8.83-18.44.9a54.45 54.45 0 0 0-.81-8.59 59.84 59.84 0 0 1-11.93 2.17v1.54Zm66.34-4.16h-1.63l-2.35 4.61c-12.42-10.55-27.82 1.8-27.11 19-2.09 23.22 29.36 31.69 32 7.05h-3.61c-2.94 19.74-22.41 13.95-20.52-7.14-1.69-22.07 17.42-27.83 21.24-8.59h2v-14.93Zm39 30.64c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.7 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.53-6.14-1.71-12.92h26.84c.78-29.75-35.14-27-34.16.9-2.17 24.66 31 31.48 34.25 7.5Zm-23.27-11.66c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.43 0Zm75 22.6c-6.06-.18-6.6-.72-6.6-6.15v-52.15a77.31 77.31 0 0 1-13.65 2.35v1.63c5.7 0 6.42.63 6.42 5.24v15.91c-9.93-16.1-28.32-2.9-27.3 15.09-1.27 18.39 18.69 31.12 28 14.73a33.14 33.14 0 0 0 1.18 7.24c3.7-1.18 5.6-1.54 11.93-2.35v-1.54Zm-23.86-37.69c13-2.55 14.07 41.08.36 39.23-13.29 2.25-13.5-41.41-.34-39.23Zm59.74 26.75c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.69 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.54-6.14-1.72-12.92h26.85c.77-29.75-35.14-27-34.17.9-2.16 24.66 31 31.48 34.26 7.5Zm-23.23-11.66c.61-20.6 19.64-21.29 19.44 0Zm35.07 26.67h1.54l2.17-4c16.07 13.18 38.74-10.62 16.2-20.5-6.33-2.8-7.05-3.07-8.32-3.71-16.74-10.06 12.13-23.51 12.93-3.16h2v-14h-1.54l-1.53 3.71c-15.38-11.26-34.59 11.37-14.11 20 5.61 2.62 8.59 4 8.68 4.07 17.2 10.89-13.42 25.09-16 2.53h-2v15.1ZM354 252.59h23.23v-4.07H354v4.07Zm26.12-38.15v2.17c6.51.45 7.41 1.18 7.41 6.06v43.84c0 4.88-.72 5.51-7.41 6.05v2.17c8.65-.63 30.42 2 37-3.16 11.43-7.07 9.66-27.08-5.24-29 11.33-3.53 12.92-18.08 4.52-24.85-5.9-5.55-28.33-2.53-36.25-3.26Zm15 27.39v-24.59c9.33-.38 19.2-.74 18.52 12.12.18 12.32-8.1 13-18.52 12.47Zm0 2.8c5 .14 15.3-.94 18.16 3 7.58 10.76 2.29 26.57-12.65 24.31-4.7 0-5.51-.72-5.51-4.61v-22.7Zm68.15 16.18c-.74 13.26-17.29 16.34-21.7 4.52-1.08-2.89-1.53-6.14-1.71-12.92h26.84c.78-29.75-35.14-27-34.16.9-2.17 24.66 31 31.48 34.25 7.5ZM440 249.15c.61-20.6 19.63-21.29 19.43 0Zm33.08-14.37c4.92 0 6.77-.18 6.42 5.6v27.93c0 3.89-.91 4.61-6.51 4.88V275a84.07 84.07 0 0 1 19.61 0v-1.81c-4.7-.18-5.87-1.08-5.87-4.7v-21.78c-.27-7 3-11 9.4-11.39 6.57.37 8.14 4 8 11v22.14c0 3.62-1.17 4.52-6 4.7V275a84.84 84.84 0 0 1 19.7 0v-1.81c-5.51-.27-6.51-1-6.51-4.88v-21.69c1.85-15.33-17.76-21.1-25.39-8.31a42.06 42.06 0 0 0-1-7.87 54.27 54.27 0 0 1-11.93 2.71v1.63Zm49.8 40H554l2.35-13h-1.9c-3.63 13.36-10.81 10.45-22 10.67l24.58-40.31h-30L525 243.82h1.9c3.65-12.84 11.35-8.78 20.52-9.4ZM279.13 179c-50 0-90.47-40.09-90.47-89.5S229.18 0 279.13 0s90.51 40.07 90.51 89.48S329.12 179 279.13 179Zm-74.2-46.57 1.62-1.26a104.49 104.49 0 0 1-8.55-20.66 4 4 0 0 0-.5-1.05 2.59 2.59 0 0 0 0 1.08 97 97 0 0 0 7.45 21.87ZM280.39 8.89l12.3 71.57L279.83 88l-.43-79.09c0-1-.63-1-.77 0l-7.26 75-5.37-3.12 11.53-71.88a80.37 80.37 0 0 0-80.21 80.7c0 14 4.41 28.8 10.76 40.3l56.47-47 5.45 3.15-63.4 45.56c-1.53 1.08-1.08 91.39v14.72l-68.39 26.09c14.31 23.38 39.68 38.28 69.29 38.28s55.35-14.92 69.66-38.25l-68.26-26.08V91.44l68.1 39.28c1.56.85 2 .38.54-.65l-60.63-44 5.42-3.1 56.43 47a85.8 85.8 0 0 0 10.75-40.5c0-43.9-36.49-79.4-80.52-80.59Zm84.91 64.39a3.67 3.67 0 0 0 .49 1 2.32 2.32 0 0 0 0-1.08c-7.44-40.67-42.72-71.07-86.48-71.07a88.61 88.61 0 0 0-88.6 88.67c0 11.56 2.95 22.59 6.95 32.69a150.69 150.69 0 0 0 9.18 17.37 3.32 3.32 0 0 0 .81.94 2.65 2.65 0 0 0-.27-1.14c-.25-.43-5.27-10-8.17-17.1-2.47-6.12-5.55-18.32-5.55-32.45a86.06 86.06 0 0 1 86-86c24.84 0 48.19 12.15 62.5 27.85 10.87 11.93 16.49 19.94 23.11 40.32ZM207.72 132.9l-2 .72c12.71 24.3 39.37 42 73.37 42 48.24 0 86.8-39 86.8-86.1 0-11.52-3.33-18.59-5.2-23.69a110.7 110.7 0 0 0-5.62-12.11 3 3 0 0 0-.81-1 2.08 2.08 0 0 0 .31 1.15 91 91 0 0 1 4.9 12.13A75.16 75.16 0 0 1 363 89.48c0 14.69-4.61 29.72-11.4 41.69.38 1 0 1.48-1.13 1.8a83.64 83.64 0 0 1-71.34 39.44c-28.26 0-50.85-15.14-58-23-5.81-6.41-10.13-11.13-13.41-16.51Zm66.93-47.07 3.74 2.17.47-58c0-1.17-.36-1.22-.45-.05l-3.76 55.93Zm6.53 4.39 50.24 29.41c.9.52 88l-3.82 2.2Zm-7.65-2-12.63 10.3c-.69.59-.\"\/><\/svg>",
 		"height"      : "1em",
    "positionTop" : "0em" 
 		"company"			: "Adobe", 
  	"svg"					: "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_1\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" viewBox=\"0 0 468.6 116.9\" style=\"enable-background:new 0 0 468.6 116.9\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><style>.st0{fill:red}<\/style><switch><g><path class=\"st0\" d=\"m211 71.4-6.3 17.5c0 .7-.7.7-.7.7h-9.8c-.7 0-.7 0-.7-.7 5.6-14.7 14-39.9 20.3-56.7 0-.7.7-2.1.7-5.6 0-.7 0-.7.7-.7h13.3c.7-.7.7 0 .7 0 7 20.3 15.4 42 22.4 62.3 0 .7 0 .7-.7.7h-11.2c-.7 0-.7 0-.7-.7l-6.3-17.5H211v.7zm19.6-9.8c-2.1-6.3-7-19.6-8.4-26.6-1.4 6.3-5.6 17.5-8.4 26.6h16.8zm27.3 4.2c0-14 10.5-25.2 27.3-25.2 2.1 0 4.2 0 5.6.7v-21c0-.7 0-.7.7-.7H302c.7 0 .7 0 .7.7V84c0 .7 0 .7-.7.7-6.3 2.8-13.3 4.9-19.6 4.9-14.7.7-24.5-7-24.5-23.8zm32.2-14.7c-1.4-.7-3.5-.7-5.6-.7-9.1 0-14.7 5.6-14.7 15.4 0 11.2 6.3 15.4 14 15.4 2.1 0 4.9-.7 7-.7V51.1h-.7zm71.4 14c0 15.4-9.8 25.2-23.8 25.2-16.8 0-23.8-12.6-23.8-24.5 0-14.7 9.8-24.5 24.5-24.5 14.7-.7 23.1 10.5 23.1 23.8zm-35.7 0c0 9.8 4.2 16.1 11.9 16.1 6.3 0 11.2-4.2 11.2-16.1 0-9.1-3.5-16.1-11.9-16.1-6.3.7-11.2 6.3-11.2 16.1zm56.7-44.8c.7 0 .7 0 .7.7v22.4c3.5-1.4 7-2.1 10.5-2.1 13.3 0 21.7 9.8 21.7 22.4 0 16.8-13.3 27.3-28.7 27.3-4.9 0-9.8-.7-14.7-2.1-.7 0-.7-.7-.7-.7V21c0-.7 0-.7.7-.7h10.5zm9.1 30.1c-2.8 0-5.6.7-7.7 1.4v28.7c1.4.7 3.5.7 5.6.7 7 0 15.4-5.6 15.4-16.8-.7-9.1-6.3-14-13.3-14zm46.2 17.5c0 7.7 4.9 12.6 14.7 12.6 3.5 0 7.7-.7 11.9-2.1 0 0 .7 0 .7.7v7.7c0 .7 0 .7-.7 1.4-3.5 2.1-8.4 2.8-14.7 2.8-17.5 0-24.5-11.9-24.5-24.5 0-14 8.4-25.2 23.1-25.2 14.7 0 20.3 11.2 20.3 20.3 0 4.2-.7 6.3-.7 6.3h-30.1zm15.4-7.7c3.5 0 4.2-.7 4.2-.7v-1.4c0-2.8-2.1-9.1-9.8-9.1-6.3 0-9.8 4.9-10.5 11.2h16.1zM83.3 0l49 116.9V0h-49zM0 0v116.9L49 0H0zm44.8 93.1h22.4l9.8 23.8h20.3L65.8 42.7l-21 50.4z\"\/><\/g><\/switch><\/svg>",
 		"height"      : "1em",
    "positionTop" : "0em"
 		"company"			: "Cisco", 
  	"svg"					: "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_2\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 534.9 281.9\" style=\"enable-background:new 0 0 534.9 281.9\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><style>.st1{fill:#00a3df}<\/style><switch><g><path class=\"st1\" d=\"M151.3 187.3h23.4v92.9h-23.4zM363.8 214c-.9-.5-8.5-5-19.7-5-15.2 0-25.7 10.6-25.7 24.8 0 13.8 10.1 24.8 25.7 24.8 11 0 18.7-4.4 19.7-4.9v24.9c-3 .8-11 3.3-21.4 3.3-26.4 0-49.5-18.2-49.5-48.1 0-27.8 21-48.1 49.5-48.1 11 0 19.2 2.7 21.4 3.3v25zM119.1 214c-1-.5-8.5-5-19.7-5-15.2 0-25.7 10.6-25.7 24.8 0 13.8 10.1 24.8 25.7 24.8 11 0 18.6-4.4 19.7-4.9v24.9c-3 .8-10.9 3.3-21.4 3.3-26.3 0-49.5-18.2-49.5-48.1 0-27.8 20.9-48.1 49.5-48.1 11 0 19.2 2.7 21.4 3.3v25zM486.7 233.8c0 26.6-20.5 48.1-49.1 48.1s-49.1-21.6-49.1-48.1c0-26.6 20.5-48.1 49.1-48.1s49.1 21.5 49.1 48.1m-49.1-24.5c-13.9 0-24.3 11-24.3 24.4 0 13.5 10.3 24.5 24.3 24.5 13.9 0 24.3-10.9 24.3-24.5 0-13.4-10.4-24.4-24.3-24.4M263.7 208.5c-.3-.1-10.2-2.9-18.3-2.9-9.4 0-14.5 3.2-14.5 7.6 0 5.6 6.9 7.6 10.7 8.8l6.5 2.1c15.2 4.8 22.2 15.3 22.2 26.6 0 23.4-20.5 31.2-38.5 31.2-12.5 0-24.1-2.3-25.3-2.5V258c2.1.5 11.9 3.5 22.1 3.5 11.7 0 17-3.4 17-8.7 0-4.7-4.6-7.4-10.4-9.2-1.4-.5-3.6-1.2-5-1.6-13-4.1-24-11.8-24-27.2 0-17.4 13-29.1 34.7-29.1 11.4 0 22.1 2.8 22.9 3v19.8zM23.3 87.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6C5.3 75.8 0 81.1 0 87.4v24.4c0 6.5 5.3 11.6 11.7 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.1 11.6-11.6V87.4zM87.3 55.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6C69.2 43.8 64 49 64 55.4v56.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.2 11.6-11.6V55.4zM151.2 11.6C151.2 5.2 146 0 139.6 0c-6.4 0-11.7 5.2-11.7 11.6V135c0 6.4 5.2 11.7 11.7 11.7 6.4 0 11.6-5.2 11.6-11.7V11.6zM215.2 55.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6v56.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.2 11.6-11.6V55.4zM279.1 87.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6v24.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.1 11.6-11.6V87.4zM343.1 55.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6v56.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.2 11.6-11.6V55.4zM407 11.6C407 5.2 401.9 0 395.4 0c-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6V135c0 6.4 5.2 11.7 11.6 11.7 6.4 0 11.6-5.2 11.6-11.7V11.6zM471 55.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.7-11.6-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6v56.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.5 0 11.7-5.2 11.7-11.6V55.4zM534.9 87.4c0-6.4-5.2-11.6-11.6-11.6-6.4 0-11.6 5.2-11.6 11.6v24.4c0 6.5 5.2 11.6 11.6 11.6 6.4 0 11.6-5.1 11.6-11.6V87.4zM521.5 268v1.5h-4.2v10.8h-1.7v-10.8h-4.2V268zM522.3 268h2.7l3.7 10 3.6-10h2.6v12.3h-1.8v-10.1l-3.7 10.1h-1.7l-3.6-10.1v10.1h-1.8z\"\/><\/g><\/switch><\/svg>",
 		"height"      : "1em",
    "positionTop" : "0em" 

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hi Ruenel,

Thanks a million for your kind help! Yes this works,. The only issue we now have is that we have logos with multiple class selectors .st1,2,3 etc and had to renumber the class so that they are all different. Do we really need to do this or is there a better workaround? Would you also happen to know the best way to convert our files from illustrator to a suitable SVG format and URL for conversion. We have to export as SVG rather than save (as it doesn’t work that way. And we have found a URL which converts to JSON, however, unsure which is the best way.

Hello @stuartmurphy,

Just do what you are doing in converting the SVG. When you add it in the JSON code in your Looper Provider, just do not forget to check the class selector because it needs to be unique to prevent the issue above from happening.


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