Modal not showing content when dynamic rendering is checked

Hi there,

I’m in process of working on a menu that I am customizing with Revolution Slider. What I am trying to achieve is: when the toggle in the nav bar is clicked, a content area modal pops up and loads the animated menu. This works fine.

Now the problem is, that when the modal is closed and reopened, the animation does not restart, it shows it in its loaded state.

I believe the solution to this is to check the dynamic rendering box, so that the animation will reset once the toggle is clicked to shut the modal. The problem is that when this is checked, the modal content fails to load at all.

I have already tried disabling all plugins, which had no effect.

You can try my test page here. On the test page, I have checked off dynamic rendering.

Thanks for your time, great support!


Hi Alexis,

Thank you for reaching out to us, I checked your test page and I see an error in browser’s console which could be breaking the element. Please check for the following first:


If you still have problems then please get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.


Hi Nabeel,

Thanks so much for you reply.

I’ve gone through each step and did the following:

-disabled all plugins
-switched from my child theme to pro
-removed all css (i’ve only added some custom css)
-flushed my site cache from the server
-updated revolution slider, which had no effect

I added in some text to the content area, along with the RS shortcode that was already there. The text shows up, as does the overlay and background colours that I added. So the modal itself is working, it just doesn’t display the RS menu. Again, it shows up fine when dynamic rendering IS NOT checked off.

I’m including a login for you.

Thanks so much!!

Hi Alexis,

The credential you provided is not working, please double-check and update it.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

Sorry about that, not sure what happened there. I set a new password and was able to log in with that user name and password.

Let me know if you have any other problems.

Thank you!

Hi Alexis,

I have checked the given URL and found the described issue, can you please copy your live site to a staging server so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site.
And give us access in the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Hi Tristup,

Ok I’ve got the staging site set up, creds attached.


Hello Alexis,

I am another staff checking into this thread. Be advised that adding a Slider or any functionality that relies heavily on Javascript is not advisable to be added inside a Modal content area. The slider needs to initialize upon page loading and since the modal is not yet displayed on page load, the slider fails to initialize and load. Regretfully what you have in mind is not possible. You may need to change your design or approach in displaying your slider.

Hope this makes sense.

Hi Ruenel,

Ok, I see what you’re saying. Just to clarify though, the Slider Revolution test slider (that i replaced the menu with for testing), along with the real menu slider both do load fine when dynamic rendering is NOT checked off.

If you check my test page again, I just unchecked dynamic rendering, and it loads fine when you click the toggle.

Is it simply that dynamic rendering won’t work? I just want to be sure.

Thanks for your help!

Hello Alexis,

Based on your test page, the dynamic rendering should only be used to contents that need to be rendered again when loading the modal content. If you insert contents that need to initialize or that dynamic rendering is not necessary, you should just disable dynamic rendering in your settings because it can only cause an issue or create conflicts sooner or later.

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. This was a bit of a workaround, as with my final menu, I do want it render again when the menu is closed and reopened. But I don’t want to have issues if this isn’t quite the proper way to do it. I’m going to try doing it another way.

I appreciate your help though!


Hi Alexis,

Thanks for understanding.

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