Mobile menu parent item is not clickable

Hey, I’m having an menu which consists of parent and children structure. The issue is when I click on the parent element of menu item than it will open the list od sub menu items where as the parent element is itself a page. opening an sub menu list is a correct thing but I want that parent element should redirect a user to its page. Please help me with this for mobile menu.
In case if you need an access to the site than here i’m adding the admin url and credentials in secure note.

Hello Ketan,

Thanks for writing in! Your Sub Menu Trigger should be set to “Indicator” so that clicking on the parent menu item will open the page as well.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

I can confirm this issue also exists in 6.4.3 in the Navigation Collapsed Element

screenshot_ 2023-12-05 um 15.26.13 (1)

screenshot_ 2023-12-05 um 15.31.19

And it doesn’t matter if it is a mobile touch device or a hover desktop

Hello There,

Please make sure to update to the latest version of the theme. I have investigated this issue on our local testing server and we can not replicate it. We now have the Pro Theme 6.4.5 version.

Best Regards.

I’ve updated to version 6.4.5 and it’s the same on every major browser and latest macos, iOs and win11.

Hey @Regnalf,

Kindly create another thread along with your site details so we can check it.

Thank you.

New thread

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