Mobile Menu Button Doesn't work on Child-Theme

After spending hours on trying to find a solution, I decided to come here.

We have a child theme. Everything works well, but when you minimize the window or use it on a mobile device, the hamburger-style menu button doesn’t expand the menu. You can see that the button is being pressed and it stays in that position until you click it again. We’ve checke the dev-tools in the browser and the code is reacting when the button gets pressed. Note: Before we used the child theme, we used the regular X parent theme and the site looked pretty similar. We still have that theme and when switch back to it, the mobile button works. Only in the child-theme it’s not expanding.

We’ve checked a lot with the style.css, functions.php etc… everything looks normal and seems correct. We also showed chat-gpt (4th gen) all files and stated the problem and it said it looks fine.

Right now, we switched back to the parent theme on, where the mobile button works. On our testing site the child theme is online and there you can see the button in the mobile layout and reproduce the issue.

The thing is we didn’t write the style.css for the child theme, because we bought the site a while ago. So maybe there’s an issue, but again we’ve checked it and it looks fine to us. I mean, everything works really well, besides that button.

Thank you for any help in advance. We appreciate your software!

Best Regards

The Bierothek-Team,


Hi Erick

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked both websites and find the Mobile menu button is not working. It seems that on the main website the X theme and the Cornerstone version are the reason, and for the sub-domain X is updated whereas Cornerstone is not updated properly. I would suggest you update the X theme and Cornerstone by following the below steps.
For parent site:

  1. Delete the existing Cornerstone.
  2. Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
  3. After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be on the latest version

For Sub-domain site:

  1. Delete the Cornerstone
  2. Then use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be on the latest version

Hope it helps.

Hey tristup,

thank you for your fast response. For me, the button worked on the subdomain site. Strange that it didn’t work for you.

I followed your steps, but sadly the button is still not opening the mobile menu on the main site.

I deleted the cornerstone directory via sftp and clicked the install button on the dashboard. X was already up to date.

Note: I switched the main site back to the old design (no child theme), because the mobile button works like that. The subdomain site has the child theme activated, where I try to get the mobile button running at first.

So the parent theme is the white one and the grey theme the child theme, where the button does not work.

Do you have any other ideas?

Kind Regards


I just realized, that I can’t update X on the testing site, because we only have one license. So I’m going to activate the child theme for you on the main-site to check. There, both X and Cornerstone are up to date.

Kind Regards


Next Update: I had to switch back to the old design, because the Revolution Slider is now showing two times instead of one. We didn’t change anything. We were just updating the plugin…

We can also give you access via a secure note if you like. The parent theme is called X and the child theme Hopfenhelden.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Kind Regards


Hello Erick,

To help you with your concerns we need to check your settings, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hey prakash_s, thank you for your answer. I’ve already shared all information in my past reply. What do you mean with exact url? We’ve also already tried out all common issues. Nothing works. I think its something with our style.css for the Hopfenhelden child-theme.

The main URL for main is: and for testing:

the admin-login works for both. I’ll add another secure note.

Thank you.

Kind Regards


Hey Erick,

The issue is your Fastest Cache plugin.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version X theme 10.4.20 and Cornerstone 7.4.20. After doing the updates, all caches must be cleared before testing the site again.

Best Regards.

Hey ruenel, thank you for your answer. The screenshot that you provided is not from the child theme, but from the basic X theme. This is our old design and there it works. But our child theme called Hopfenhelden in Designs -> Themes is where we have the problem with that menu. The menu also didn’t work before we had the cache plugin. I just set it up recently. Please try it out on where we have the license and switch the design to the child theme. Then you’ll find the error with the menu. It’s not responding at all. :frowning:

We are using version 10.4.20 on X and 7.4.20 on Cornerstone on

Kind Regards


Hello Erick,

Some of the files in your child theme need to be relocated. For example, the _footer.php file needs to be moved to /wp-content/themes/x-child/framework/legacy/cranium/footers/views/global/_footer.php.

Please double-check the other files too.

Best Regards.

My directory structure looks like that now:

Sadly, It still doesn’t work.

Do you have other ideas on how to help us?

Kind Regards


Should I open a new ticket?

Kind Regards


Hey Erick,

Since you created a new thread, we will respond to that one.


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