Misplaced element

On our homepage, we have a section called WEEKLY DROP IN MEDITATION CLASSES. Below that, each class should have a registration button.

For some reason on the backend shows the buttons associated with the correct classes, but on the front end the Thursday button is appearing in the Lunchtime Meditation column. You can see the code in the inspect console.

I can’t understand why this mis-display would happen. Can you advise? meditationinhouston.org


Thanks for reaching out.

There could be an html error closing tag in your structure. To better help you with your concern, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks @cramaton


Thank you for providing the credentials. I checked your setup and it seems like buttons are rendering conditionally and this probably is your settings issue. I see you’re using a third party plugin to generate shortcodes, regretfully, we cannot provide support for third party plugins or scripts as our support policy in the sidebar states due to the fact that there is simply no way to account for all of the potential variables at play when using another developer’s plugin or script.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks @nabeel

Thank you for the tip, I found the missing close.

Why does it render differently on the backend though? There was an error, but it only displays front end.


In the content builder everything works because of the auto correct feature of the builder however the browser’s don’t have this feature and things break on the front-end.

We’re glad that you sorted it out. Cheers!

That’s a cool feature. Is there any way to access a log of the auto corrects when I am troubleshooting problems in the future?


There are no logs available of the auto correction, if anything breaks on the front-end, this usually is caused by the broken HTML or the syntax error. You can always check your content to fix the issue.

For debugging, you can validate your HTML here https://validator.w3.org/ and apply fixes as needed.

Hope this helps!

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