Trying to create a Single layout for MEC individual events. but the plugin default layout is the only one I can get to display!
I tried following along in this older thread [PRO] Modern Events Calendar - Override SINGLE MEC EVENTS with Blank Model Page But it sort of seemed like it was just answering the question of how to show a no-header, no-footer layout.
I tried duplicating the layout I want (no container, header, footer) in the single-mec-events.php file in my child theme but it won’t display the layout content, it’s just empty. Adding layout references inside the default single template copied from the plugin is also empty.
Other plugin-managed custom post types haven’t had templates quite this… greedy?
According to their docs, the_content is a working, valid call in the single template!
The themeco docs has a link to “overriding skin templates” but it’s a broken link.
Any thoughts on this?