Masonry layout change is choppy and columns overlap

When a masonry layout changes it does so with a choppy looking transition and the columns also overlap temporarily while resizing. I have set the Stagger option to 0.

Just checking to see if you can tweak this to make it better but maybe it’s not possible since you’re using a 3rd party library for this?

With this fix in place I noticed it was working faster. The overlapping of columns when going from breakpoints is probably always going to happen though.

I can try to surface the transition option for the library to make that smoother. Although with Cornerstone effects css in place I noticed this had buggy results. I will have to play around with it more.

Thanks for looking into this.

I can try to surface the transition option for the library to make that smoother

If that’s possible, could it become an option in the builder?

Yes I can try to add that as an option. Have a great weekend.

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